Locking transparency

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What does Lock Transparency do and why use it? Lock Transparency creates a mask that locks out the transparent portion of the layer. This means that when applying paint, it only covers areas containing pixels (paint).

Picture a car with no background image. Use Lock Transparency to make the background see-through, instead of white and opaque. This makes it easier to combine layers and blend pixels with various levels of opacity.

In the example below, I only wanted to paint on the car. With Lock Transparency on, I could paint the car without having to worry about painting white areas, like the windows, as well.

Lock Transparency - original Lock Transparency - after

Locking transparency in SketchBook Pro Desktop

  1. In the Layer Editor, tap a layer to select it.

  2. To lock its transparency, tap Lock the transparency of a layer in SketchBook.

    Example of locking the transparency of a layer in SketchBook

    Now, layer transparency is locked.

Unlocking transparency

  1. In the Layer Editor, tap a layer to select it.

  2. To unlock transparency, tap unlock transparency.

    Example of unlocking the transparency of a layer in SketchBook

    Now, layer transparency is unlocked.

Locking transparency in SketchBook Pro Mobile

Locking transparency in SketchBook Pro Mobile part 1 Locking transparency in SketchBook Pro Mobile part 2 Locking transparency in SketchBook Pro Mobile part 3

  1. In the Layer Editor, tap a layer to select it.
  2. Tap the layer you want to change.
  3. Tap lock transparency to lock transparency. The icon appears on the layer you have locked.

At this point, if you paint on the current layer, only the areas with pixels will be changed. In the image above, the layer with the eye color was selected. Painting on this layer only applied color to that area.

Locking transparency in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

TransparentLock Transparency

When you use Lock Transparency Lock Transparency on a layer with paint, only the painted portions are affected.

  1. If the Layer Editor isn’t visible, tap UI Toggle - transparency and select Layer Editor. The current layer is highlighted.
  2. Tap the layer you want to affect.
  3. Tap Lock Transparency to lock it. The transparency of the layer is lock. An icon appears.