Undoing and redoing

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How many times have you sketched something and wished you could get back what you erased? Have you worked with something other than a pencil and wished you could erase that last stroke, undoing the mistake?

Well, with Undo and Redo, these issues don’t exist! SketchBook is more forgiving than paper or canvas. When you place a stroke and decide it’s not what you had in mind, you can undo it. The version of SketchBook you're running determines the number of levels of undo and redo available.

Undoing and redoing in SketchBook Pro Desktop

The default number of undos and redos is 50; however, see Setting your maximum level of undos for more information.

You can change the number of undos in the General tab of the Preferences.

Setting your maximum level of undos

Not available for iOS or Android users

SketchBook give you the ability to set the maximum number of times you can go back and undo something within the app. We recommend a number within the range of 2-50. That might seem like a lot, and to me 50 is; however, to someone doing iterative design, it might be necessary. The default is 50; however, if you don’t foresee yourself needing to go back that many steps, you can change this value to something like 25. See the article below, Changing the maximum number of undos, for instructions.


You need to restart SketchBook for this change to take effect.

Changing the maximum number of undos

Changing the number of undos only takes effect once a file is created or another one is imported. We recommend you restart SketchBook.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • For Windows users, select Edit > Preferences.
    • For Mac users, select SketchBook > Preferences.
  2. Tap the General tab. Enter the number of undos in Maximum undos.

Undoing and redoing in SketchBook Pro Mobile

Undo and redo as many times as your device can handle.

Screenshot with Undo and Redo

There are a few ways to undo and redo.

Video captions: In Autodesk SketchBook, to undo, double-tap the bottom left corner of the canvas. To change this, tap the first icon in the toolbar, then tap Preferences, then scroll down to the Corner Shortcuts. Undo is currently mapped to the bottom left corner. To change this, tap another corner. Select Undo from the list, and close the panel. Now, there are two Undos. Select the original Undo, select something else from the panel, and close the panel. Now, let's return to the canvas. Start by drawing and let's tap the bottom left corner. It is something else. There we go. Now, double-tap the top right corner to undo.

To undo an action, do one of following:

Undoing and redoing in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

You have unlimited undo and redo in the SketchBook Pro Windows 10 version. There are two ways to undo or redo, use a gesture or the icons in the toolbar.

Undoing and redoing with a gesture

With 3 fingers, swipe to the left to undo and to the right to redo.

Undo/Redo gesture in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

Undoing an action or stroke

When you place a stroke and decide it’s not what you had in mind or want to undo an action, just go to the toolbar and tap Undo icon.

Redoing an action or stroke

If you undo a stroke and decide you want it back, unlike traditional sketching, just go to the toolbar and tap Redo icon.