Error: You can't get there from here


When using SSO to sign into an Autodesk product on desktop, you may see the following message:

Possible Causes

When signing in via Google Chrome, installing the Windows 10 Accounts extension for Chrome will solve the issue for sign in attempts.

However, Autodesk desktop products rely on a User-Agent, which can be different from the allowed system default, and the organization may have set a conditional access policy to only have a specific internet browser as default (tied to a specific version). If the User-Agent of the application (e.g., Autodesk desktop product) does not comply with the rule, it will not allow access.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

With the help of your system administrator, use Fiddler to identify the User-Agent string used by the product you are trying to access. See View Web Session Content.

Set your conditional access policy to allow your browser, or alternately, remove the application from the policy.


For Autodesk Eagle sign in issues, you should modify the user agent to suit your identity provider’s needs.


Variable value: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36