Global Extensions

noInvisibleAdvance property

noInvisibleAdvance : Boolean

Scaleform version: 2.1.52

If set to true, this property turns off advancing of all invisible movie clips. This might be used to improve performance of SWFs that contain many hidden movie clips. Note, Flash advances invisible movie clips (it still executes timeline animation, invokes frame’s ActionScript code and so on). Thus, setting this property to true may lead to differences in behavior between Scaleform and Flash.

See also:


imecommand function

imecommand(command:String, parameters:String) : Void

Scaleform version: 2.1.50

This function is similar to fscommand but is only used to communicate with Scaleform IME implementation. It is used internally by Scaleform.

getIMECandidateListStyle () function

public function getIMECompositionStringStyle(categoryName:String): Object

Scaleform version: 2.1.50

Returns the color settings descriptor object for an IME candidate list. See setIMECandidateListStyle for a detailed description of the descriptor object.

Object - The descriptor of color settings for the candidate list.

See also:


setIMECandidateListStyle () function

public function setIMECandidateListStyle(styleDescriptor:Object)

Scaleform version: 2.1.50

Sets the candidate list style to that of the object passed as argument.

The styleDescriptor is an Object instance with the following optional members set:

styleObject.textColor               = 0x5EADFF;
styleObject.selectedTextColor       = 0xFFFFFF;
styleObject.fontSize                = 20;
styleObject.backgroundColor             = 0x001430;
styleObject.selectedTextBackgroundColor     = 0x2C5A99;
styleObject.indexBackgroundColor        = 0x12325A;
styleObject.selectedIndexBackgroundColor    = 0x2C5A99;
styleObject.readingWindowTextColor      = 0xFFFFFF;
styleObject.readingWindowBackgroundColor = 0x001430;
styleObject.readingWindowFontSize       = 20;

textColor : Number The color of text.

selectedTextColor : Number The color of selected text.

fontSize : Number font size of the text in the row and row index.

backgroundColor : Number The background color of the text portion of unselected rows.

seletedTextBackgroundColor : Number The color of the text portion of the selected row.

indexBackgroundColor : Number The background color of the index portion of unselected rows.

selectedIndexBackgroundColor : Number The background color of the index portion of selected rows.

readingWindowTextColor : Number The color of the text in the reading window.

readingWindowBackgroundColor : Number Background color of the reading window.

readingWindowFontSize : Number Font size of the text in the reading window.

All colors are specified in the following format: 0xRRGGBB, in which RR is the hexadecimal representation of the red component [0..255], BB is the hexadecimal representation of the blue component [0..255] and GG is the hexadecimal representation of the green component [0..255].

See also:
