Mouse Class Extensions

In addition to supporting the full set of standard Mouse class methods, Scaleform also introduces extensions that allow tracking of multiple mouse cursors and detection of the RIGHT, MIDDLE and other mouse buttons (up to 16 at the moment). This chapter will first touch on some of the basic Mouse functionality and then provide a more detailed description of the Scaleform mouse extensions. For more detailed reference for the Mouse object, we recommend developers refer to the Flash Mouse Class documentation.

Multiple Cursor Support

Some platforms, such as Wii™, require support for more than one mouse cursor. Scaleform 3 and higher supports up to four mouse cursors. The method GFx::Movie::SetMouseCursorCount(unsigned n) sets the number of cursors. The method GFx::Movie::HandleEvent with GFx::MouseEvent object as a parameter should be used to feed mouse events into the Scaleform core. The constructors of GFx::MouseEvent and GFx::MouseCursorEvent have an extra parameter that specifies a zero-based index of mouse.