Appkit: /loading_screen.lua code sample - Stingray Lua API Reference
Simple visual functionality for a Loading Screen. Fades in and out, calls a lua
callback when finished fading out.
Appkit.LoadingScreen = Appkit.LoadingScreen or {}
local LoadingScreen = Appkit.LoadingScreen
-- Global class behavior config
LoadingScreen.config = LoadingScreen.config or {}
local config = LoadingScreen.config
config.fade_in_time = config.fade_in_time or 0.1
config.display_time = config.display_time or 0.625 -- Starting from when fade in is finished
config.fade_out_time = config.fade_out_time or 0.275
local Application = stingray.Application
local Gui = stingray.Gui
local Keyboard = stingray.Keyboard
local Vector2 = stingray.Vector2
local Vector3 = stingray.Vector3
local World = stingray.World
-- Must be called to start the LoadingScreen.
function LoadingScreen.init(world, material_name, finished_callback)
if LoadingScreen.gui then
print "Error in Appkit.LoadingScreen.init. Already initialized. Call destroy before using again."
LoadingScreen.finished_callback = finished_callback
local w, h = Application.back_buffer_size() = world
local gui = World.create_screen_gui(world)
LoadingScreen.gui = gui
local size = Vector2(w,h)
-- Loading Screen Image
LoadingScreen.bitmap = Gui.bitmap(gui, material_name, Vector3(0,0,1), size)
-- Quad to fade in/out
LoadingScreen.fade_rect = Gui.rect(gui, Vector3(0,0,2), size, stingray.Color(0,0,0,0))
LoadingScreen.start_time = Application.time_since_launch()
LoadingScreen.can_start_fade_out = false
-- This must be called to allow the fade out to begin once the fade in and
-- presentation sequence are finished. The loading screen will never fade out
-- or call the finished_callback if this is not called.
function LoadingScreen.allow_fade_out()
LoadingScreen.can_start_fade_out = true
-- Updates the LoadingScreen and returns true if active, if not then returns
-- false. The LoadingScreen is considered active if `Init` has been called and
-- `destroy` has not.
function LoadingScreen.update(dt)
local gui = LoadingScreen.gui
if not gui then return false end
if Keyboard.pressed(Keyboard.button_id('esc')) then
-- function: ax^(a-1) - (a-1)x^a, where a = power
local ease_fast_in_slow_out_quadratic = function(x, pow)
local pow_minus_one = pow - 1
return (pow * math.pow(x, pow_minus_one) - pow_minus_one * math.pow(x, pow))
local time = Application.time_since_launch() - LoadingScreen.start_time
local fade_in_time = config.fade_in_time
local fade = 0
-- Calc fade in
if time < fade_in_time then
fade = ease_fast_in_slow_out_quadratic((fade_in_time - time) / fade_in_time, 4) * 255
-- or fade out
elseif LoadingScreen.can_start_fade_out and time > fade_in_time + config.display_time then
local fade_out_time = config.fade_out_time
end_time = fade_in_time + config.display_time + fade_out_time
if time >= end_time then
if LoadingScreen.finished_callback then
-- Exit if the finished_callback called `LoadingScreen.destroy`.
if LoadingScreen.gui == nil then return false end
time = end_time
fade = ease_fast_in_slow_out_quadratic((1 - (end_time - time) / fade_out_time), 6) * 255
-- Apply fade
local w, h = Application.back_buffer_size()
local size = Vector2(w,h)
Gui.update_rect(gui, LoadingScreen.fade_rect, Vector3(0,0,2), size, stingray.Color(fade,0,0,0))
return true
-- This must be called to stop drawing the loading screen final image and clean
-- up resources.
function LoadingScreen.destroy()
local gui = LoadingScreen.gui
if not gui then return end
Gui.destroy_rect(gui, LoadingScreen.fade_rect)
LoadingScreen.fade_rect = nil
Gui.destroy_bitmap(LoadingScreen.gui, LoadingScreen.bitmap)
LoadingScreen.bitmap = nil
World.destroy_gui(, gui)
LoadingScreen.gui = nil = nil
return LoadingScreen