Saving and loading data — code sample - Stingray Lua API Reference

Saving and loading data — code sample


This example shows how you can use the stingray.SaveSystem interface to save runtime data to a file on disk and read it back into the project later.

Note that saving and loading operations both involve accessing the hard disk, which can be slow. Therefore, both saving and loading are asynchronous operations that happen in the background while the next lines in your code continue to run. They probably won't actually finish until a future frame. This means that your data won't be available right away. You have to check back with the stingray.SaveSystem every frame to see if it's finished.

Each time you ask the stingray.SaveSystem to save or load some data, it gives you a token that identifies that particular request. After you make the request, you can call stingray.SaveSystem.progress() and pass it the token to get a table that contains the status of that request. If you asked the stingray.SaveSystem to load data, that status table will also contain the loaded data in its .data field.

When the save or load request is done, and you've read the data out of the status table, you should call stingray.SaveSystem.close() and pass it your token in order to clear the memory being used by that request.

This simplified sample uses the 9 and 0 keys to trigger saves and loads respectively.


-- cache tokens in variables that will persist to future frames
save_filename = "my_data_file"
save_token = nil
load_token = nil

-- this update code is taken from a `project.lua` file in one of the standard Stingray template projects that
-- uses the Appkit.
function Project.update(dt)

    -- some data to test our save and load code.
    -- replace this with your own data.
    local data_to_save = {
        string_field = "hello world!",
        table_field = {
            boolean_one = true,
            boolean_two = false
        -- let's use a random number that gets re-generated each frame, so we can tell
        -- that we're loading the same data we last saved.
        number_field = stingray.Math.random(0,100),

    -- translate error codes into something human-readable and log them.
    function handle_error(code)
        if save_progress.error == "STINGRAY_SAVEDATA_ERROR_MISSING" then
            print("The file you're looking for does not exist.")
        elseif save_progress.error == "STINGRAY_SAVEDATA_INVALID_FILENAME" then
            print("The filename you've asked for isn't valid on this platform.")
        elseif save_progress.error == "STINGRAY_SAVEDATA_IO_ERROR" then
            print("A disk error occurred reading or writing data.")
        elseif save_progress.error == "STINGRAY_SAVEDATA_BROKEN" then
            print("Your save data seems to be corrupted.")
        elseif save_progress.error == "STINGRAY_SAVEDATA_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" then
            print("The data was saved using an older version of Stingray, and isn't compatible with this version.")

    -- this helper function checks the different states a progress token can have, and
    -- decides how to handle each one.
    function check_token(token)
        if token then
            local save_progress = stingray.SaveSystem.progress(token)
            if not save_progress then return end
            if save_progress.error then
                print("An error occurred in the save or load operation!")
            elseif save_progress.done then
                -- For load operations, we return the loaded data.
                -- For save operations, we return true to indicate the token has been cleared.
                return or true
            elseif save_progress.progress > 0 then
                local percentage = save_progress.progress * 100
                print(tostring(percentage) .. "% completed.")
        return false

    -- when the project needs to save some data:
    -- if a save isn't already in progress, start one and get a token.
    if stingray.Keyboard.pressed(stingray.Keyboard.button_id("9")) and not save_token then
        save_token = stingray.SaveSystem.auto_save(save_filename, data_to_save)
        print("The saved random number is: " .. tostring(data_to_save.number_field))
    -- if a save is currently in progress:
    if save_token then
        -- if the save operation is done, clear the cached token.
        if check_token(save_token) then save_token = nil end

    -- when the project needs to load some data:
    -- if a load isn't already in progress, start one and get a token.
    if stingray.Keyboard.pressed(stingray.Keyboard.button_id("0")) and not load_token then
        load_token = stingray.SaveSystem.auto_load(save_filename)
    -- if a load is currently in progress:
    if load_token then
        -- if the load operation is done
        local retrieved_data = check_token(load_token)
        if retrieved_data then
            -- clear the cached token
            load_token = nil
            -- and do something with the data read from the save file.
            -- replace this with your own code.
            print("Data retrieved.")
            print("String field: " .. retrieved_data.string_field)
            print("Number field: " .. tostring(retrieved_data.number_field))
            print("The number should match the last saved number shown in the console log.")
            print("Nested boolean field one: " .. tostring(retrieved_data.table_field.boolean_one))
            print("Nested boolean field two: " .. tostring(retrieved_data.table_field.boolean_two))
