Assign a material to an object

Materials for meshes are assigned in the unit itself. When you place instances of the unit in a level, they inherit the material you have specified in the parent unit. You can assign different materials either to the parent unit for the entire project, or to individual instances of that unit within a level.

For example, your project uses a wooden box unit and you place multiple instances of that unit throughout your project levels. If you decide to tweak the color of the wood material, you can edit the material for the parent box unit, and the change is automatically applied to all instances of the box in your project.

If however you decide you need the same box, only metal, you can select any single instance of the wooden box and override the material properties for that box to make it into a metal box.

All stingray materials support negatively scaled objects.

Assign a material to a unit for the entire project

  1. Double-click a unit in the Asset Browser to open the Unit Editor.

  2. In the Unit Editor, select the Materials tab, then click the folder icon and browse to select a .material file.

    This sets the material for the unit in the entire project. All instances of this unit receive the new material, unless they already use their own modified version of the material.

Assign a material to an instance of a unit in a level

Do any of the following:

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