About items

An item represents one object in a bill of materials and may be a part, sub-assembly, or assembly. An item manages all data associated with one object in a product design, including CAD models and drawings, translations, visualizations, markups, non-CAD documents, and metadata (attributes).

Item numbering

Each item in Upchain is identified by an Item Data Model which is compossed of four parts:

The major and minor revision as well as version update automatically as you progress the item through different stages of its lifecycle, as explained in the table below.

Item statuses

An item may have one of the following statuses:

An item may also be assigned a maturity status. An item's maturity status acts as a label (such as 'Prototype' or 'Production') on a released item. This helps stakeholders, who may only be interested in items at a specific maturity level, to distinguish between the items that are relevant to them and those that are not at the required development stage. Item maturity has no effect on the item version or revision levels.

Note: A released item cannot have child items in development. This is because the parent cannot be considered finished until all of its children are finished as well.

Item lifecycle

An item progresses through its statuses and its major and minor revisions are updated through the use of change requests (CRs) and revisions.

The table below outlines an example of an item's lifecycle. For the sake of simplicity, we are using the default numbering and revision scheme.

Action/Process Item Data Model Item Status Major Revision Minor Revision Item Version CAD File Versions¹
Initial creation (first design phase) 123456789-XX-XX Development XX XX v1 v1, v2, v3 (file checked in two times)
Send for release with CR 123456789-XX-XX Pending XX XX v1 v3 (latest version sent for approval)
Release approved 123456789-AA-00 Release AA 00 v0 v4 (file version also increased to create released copy)
Revise the item (eg. missed dimensions on drawing) 123456789-AA-00 Development AA 00 v1 v5, v6 (file checked in twice)
Send for release with CR (minor changes made to drawing only) 123456789-AA-00 Pending AA 00 v1 v6 (latest version sent for approval)
Release approved 123456789-AA-01 Released AA 01 v0 v7 (file version also increased to create released copy)
Revise the item (eg. need to add chamfer to the design) 123456789-AA-01 Development AA 01 v1 v8, v9, v10, v11 (file checked in four times)
Send for release with CR (major changes made to design) 123456789-AA-01 Pending AA 01 v1 v11 (latest version sent for approval)
Release approved 123456789-AB-00 Released AB 00 v0 v12 (file version also increased to create released copy)

¹CAD File version refers specifically to the version of the CAD file and should not be confused with 'Item version'. Each time a CAD file is checked out and either saved or checked in, the file version increments by one but the item version does not.

Note: When an item is released, Upchain creates a new version of the item that contains a new version of the CAD model and drawings associated to the item, and updates the major and minor revisions. The original item sent for release is given a status of 'Promoted' and hidden from any BOM. However, it is still searchable for historical purposes.

Item attributes

Items contain attributes that describe the item in detail, such as its purpose, function, material, and intended use in the project. There are two types of attributes that you manage in Upchain:

Learn how to configure item attributes.