Archive a document or folder

When a document or folder is Archived, it means it is labeled as out of use and no longer available for change. Archiving is one of the lifecycle stages of a document or folder. However, it is not controlled with a workflow.

Important: Once the document/folder has been archived, it cannot be unarchived or saved as a new version.

To archive a document or folder in Upchain:

  1. Click the chevrons (chevron.png) beside the category and folders until you locate the document you want to archive.

  2. Beside the document you want to archive, click more actions (document_actions_icon__.png).

  3. Select Archive from the drop-down menu.

    This opens a dialog asking you to confirm your decision to archive the document/folder.

  4. Click Archive.

When finished, a message appears indicating that the document/folder has been archived successfully. Your selected document/folder is now archived. Its status changes from Draft or Published to Archived.

Note: When archiving a folder, all of its subfolders and documents are also archived.