Introduction to Operators

This short tutorial will cover how to use the set_parameter, collection, and disable operators to change the lights and self-shadowing of some teapots and alter the shading of the sphere. The scene contains two lights casting shadows on three teapots and a sphere with a simple utility shader assigned to it.

Use the Ignore Operators flag in Diagnostics> Feature Overrides to check what the render looks like without any operators.

The scene file can be downloaded here.


We will use the Collection operator to reference a selection. This can be used to avoid writing a selection multiple times (optional in this case).

Teapot Collection

Set Parameter (Disable Self Shadows on the Teapots)


Disable Light

We can turn off one of the lights by using the Disable operator.

Arnold quad.light.1 (d rag & drop the light node)

Arnold quad_light.1 disabled

Set Parameter: Sphere Utility Shader

Now we will change the O verlay Mode for the spheres Utility shader.


Utility shader altered with Set Parameter

Final Operator Graph window setup