
Skin Wrap Patch Modifier

Skin Wrap Patch is a simple modifier that allows a patch object to deform a mesh object. It's very easy to use: just assign the modifier to a mesh object, and then use the modifier to specify a deforming patch object. Each point on the patch object influences a surrounding volume of points on the mesh object.

  • Make a selection. > Modify panel > Modifier List > Object-Space Modifiers > Skin Wrap Patch
  • Make a selection. > Modifiers menu > Animation > Skin Wrap Patch


Pick Patch

Click this button, labeled “None” by default, and then select a patch object to deform the mesh object. After picking the patch object, its name appears on the button.

Sample Rate

Determines the accuracy with which the modifier samples the patch object. The higher the rate, the more accurate the resulting animation will be, but the longer it will take to calculate.


Forces the system to resample the date. This should be done at a point in the animation at which no deformation takes place; typically, frame 0.

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