
Delete Patch Modifier

Delete Patch provides parametric deletion based on the current sub-object level in the stack. The possible choices are vertices, edges, patches, and elements. Apply the Delete Patch modifier to delete the geometry specified at that sub-object level.

  • Modify panel > Make a patch selection. > Modifier List > DeletePatch
  • Default menu: Make a selection. > Modifiers menu > Patch/Spline Editing > Delete Patch
  • Alt menu: Make a selection. > Modifiers menu > Patch > Delete Patch

For example, you can apply a Patch Select modifier, select a row of patches in a patch sphere, and then apply a Delete Patch modifier to delete those patches. To undo the deletion, remove the Delete Patch modifier.

Delete Patch used to remove sections of a patch sphere.


Example: Delete a patch in a sphere:

  1. Create a sphere.
  2. Right-click the sphere, and on the quad menu, choose Convert To Convert To Editable Patch.
  3. On the Modify panel, in Editable Patch, choose the Patch sub-object level, and select a patch.
  4. In the Modifier List, choose the Delete Patch modifier.

    This deletes the selected patch.

    To undo the deletion, click to remove the Delete Patch modifier.


This modifier has no parameters.

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