

Blocks are compound objects that are combined to create a single object. The term "block" is commonly used interchangeably for "block definitions" and "block references."

Blocks are useful when you want to insert multiple instances of the same object, and are especially useful because you can modify the characteristics of many block references at once, simply by modifying the block definition.

Block definition:

The data and properties of a block. Block definitions consist of the name, base point, and set of objects that are combined and stored for the block. When you modify a block definition by changing its name, base point, geometry, or any other characteristic, it effects all block references.

Block reference:

An instance of a block that displays in the drawing area. Block references display the data and geometry of a block definition.

Block attributes:

An attribute is a label or tag that attaches data to a block. Examples of data that might be contained in an attribute are part numbers, prices, comments, and owners' names.

To create a block definition

  1. Type -BLOCK in the command line and press Enter.
  2. Type in a name for the block.
  3. Specify a basepoint in the drawing for the block definition.
  4. Select the objects you want to use to include in the block definition and press Enter.

To insert a block

You can insert a block reference from your list of block definitions in the drawing.

  1. Click the Blocks tab.
  2. Click a block from the list of blocks.
  3. Click Insert.
  4. Specify an insertion point in the drawing.

You can also specify a new base point, scale, or rotation angle by using the prompts in the command line.

To modify block attributes

  1. Select a block in the drawing area.
  2. Click the Properties tab on the menu to the left of the drawing area.
  3. Click an attribute field in the Properties palette to modify an attribute.
Note: You cannot create new block attributes in the AutoCAD web app, but you can modify existing block attributes.

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