
Hydrostatic Strengthening

Fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites typically exhibit shear strengthening in the presence of a hydrostatic compressive stress.

The hydrostatic strengthening feature in Helius PFA accounts for this effect.

If the hydrostatic strengthening feature is activated, Helius PFA continually monitors the quantity tm eq sigmakk which is indicative of the matrix average hydrostatic stress state. If ug eq sigmakk exceeds an experimentally determined compressive threshold value (denoted ug eq sigma kk < 0), the strengths of both the matrix and fiber constituents are scaled upwards commensurate with the level of hydrostatic compressive stress in the matrix constituent. Provided that ug eq sigmakk supm < sum star eq < 0, the longitudinal shear strength of the matrix constituent is increased to

tm eq s12

where ug eq s12 is the new matrix average longitudinal shear strength and ug eq s12 supm0 is the original matrix average longitudinal shear strength. A hydrostatic strengthening ratio Sratio is computed as Sratio = (sup m)2/(supm0)2. This ratio is used to increase all of the coefficients of the matrix and fiber constituent failure criteria via the following equations

a6a i = 1,2,3,4,5

a6b i = 1,2

where sup m0 and sup f0 denote the original strength coefficients that appear in the failure criteria for the matrix and fiber constituents respectively.

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