Nomenclature and Conventions Used in the Theory Manual
View common notations used throughout the document.
A superscript CIR indicates that the preceding statement is a "Current Implementation Restriction". This is a limitation of the implementation, not a limitation of the Multicontinuum Theory.
A superscript m, f, or c indicates the quantity immediately preceding the superscript is averaged over the matrix constituent, the fiber constituent, or the heterogeneous composite material, respectively.
A superscript matpocket, fill, warp, or fillmat is used in the case of woven composites to indicate the quantity immediately preceding the superscript is averaged over the matrix pocket constituent material, the fill constituent material, the warp constituent material, or the fill-matrix pocket superconstituent, respectively.
Boldface variables represent multidimensional quantities such as tensors or matrices that are understood to have multiple components. Regular face type is used for scalar variables or for individual components of tensors or matrices.