VR > Open Create VR
Launches the Create VR application, which is a virtual reality conceptual design tool. Use this tool to generate simple curves and surfaces to explore the conceptual designs while being fully immersed in a VR environment.
You can export sub-d, NURBS, and curve models created in Create VR to Alias or other content creation applications for continued refinement.
Before using VR > Open Create VR to send Alias geometry to Create VR, close any instances of Create VR that are already running. Otherwise, the geometry sent to Create VR will not appear in the scene.
VR System
VR Device - Select the VR device that you are using, or use the Autodetect VR System option to automatically detect your VR device.
For information about supported VR devices, see Create VR hardware requirements and controller maps.
Geometry Output
None - CreateVR launches with a new empty scene. Choose this option to begin working in Create VR without reference geometry. This is the default setting.
All - Sends all geometry in the Alias workspace to Create VR as reference geometry.
Selected - Sends selected geometry to Create VR as reference geometry.
When you send Alias data to Create VR, it as non-editable reference object, the models appear as shaded grey.
Geometry Type
Editable - Exports Alias geometry that can be edited using Create VR modeling tools. Select this option to continue shaping your Alias geometry in Create VR. Exported NURBS surfaces appear in Create VR with the assigned shaders, while exported subdivision objects appear in Create VR with the default shader.
Use the Re-import From Create VR option in the VR menu to quickly re-import the editable geometry back into Alias.
Reference - Exports Alias geometry as uneditable objects. Select this option to bring Alias geometry into Create VR as reference objects.
Symmetry Plane
Lets you specify along which axis the symmetry plane is created when working with editable or reference geometry exported from Alias. You can choose set on it along the XZ or YZ axis. Selecting XZ matches the orientation of default symmetry plane in Alias. This means you do not need to change the orientation of the geometry when sending it to Create VR and back again.
This option sets the initial symmetry plane orientation when the geometry is imported. You can modify the symmetry plane orientation in Create VR later (see Work with the symmetry plane).
Surface Tessellation
Specify the settings for how the surfaces are tessellated. Select from the following:
Tolerance - Controls how accurately surfaces are tessellated.
Tessellator - Fast tessellates more quickly and less accurately. Accurate tessellates more accurately and more slowly.