Updates to Dynamo and Dynamo Player (2023.1)
We've provided several new Dynamo and Dynamo Player sample scripts. We've also improved popular Dynamo Player scripts, including the tire generation script.
New Dynamo scripts
Bulk-Graph-Resizer.dyn - The Graph Resizer script lets you scale the position of the Dynamo nodes in multiple scripts at the same time. Use this script to reduce overlapping nodes in complex scripts, specifically if you are using the 2023 version of Alias-Dynamo, which displays nodes larger than in previous versions.
Useful-Nodes.dyn - Open this script in Dynamo to access a collection of Dynamo nodes that will prove useful when writing new scripts or updating existing ones.
Access the new Dynamo scripts from the Sample Files folder in your Alias installation directory. For example:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AliasAutoStudio2023.1\Dynamo\Sample Files
For more information, see Alias-Dynamo scripts.
New Dynamo Player scripts
We've added new Dynamo Player sample scripts to the Dynamo Player Toolbox.
New general modeling scripts
DP-Thicken - Lets you add thickness to a selection of NURBS surfaces. For the script to work correctly, the geometrical normals on the surfaces must be aligned.
DP-Explode - Creates copies of selected entities, and then moves them away from the computed center of the selected input object. Use the Relative Movement parameter to set the move distance.
For more information, see Scripts for general modeling.
New scripts for subdivision objects
DP-Subdiv-by-1-Gen-1-Rail and DP-Subdiv-by-1-Gen-2-Rails - Use these scripts to build out a subdivision object using a series of one or two connected straight edges, which are used as rails, and a third set of connected edges, which guides the shape of resulting subdivision geometry.
DP-Subdiv-from-Planes - Creates a subdivision object from a collection of planar NURBS surfaces.
DP-Subdiv-from-Curves - Creates a subdivision object from connected NURBS curves.
For more information, see Scripts for subdivision objects.
Improvements to Dynamo Player scripts
DP-Nurbs-Tire - You can now use custom curves to generate tread patterns for your tires. In the Tread parameters, set Create to Custom, and then use the Custom Tread parameters to make adjustments. Ensure that the custom curves you want to use for the tread pattern are positioned close and above the tire geometry.
For more information, see Tire Script.
DP-Subdiv-Align - This script replaces the DP-Subdiv-Perpendicular-Align.dyn from previous versions of Alias. It includes the following improvements:
The ability to align subdivision CVs in any direction.
New Mode parameter lets you specify G0 alignment (first row of CVs), G1 alignment (second row of CVs) or both. By default, the script aligns the CVs at G1 to the surface.
When using G1 alignment, you can specify the alignment angle applied to the second row of CVs. Use the G1 Angle parameter to set the alignment angle between -180 to 180 degrees.
DP-Pattern-Toolkit - You can now use this script to place solid objects at point locations on the target surface. These objects can then be used to define trim regions on other input surfaces.
DP-Multi-Surface-Patterning-One-Guide-Curve - We've made several updates to this script including:
- Ability to place objects across multiple surfaces.
- Use open or closed geometry, including NURBS and subdivision objects.
- Addition of a Flip Result parameter, which flips the pattern geometry across the axis of the target surface.
- Several fixes to script, which make it more stable.
For more information, see Scripts for generating patterns