Smooths the subdivision geometry by redistributing CVs and removing zip-zag patterns along adjoining edges. Use this tool to refine and optimize the shape of your subdivision models.
Apply the effect to subdivision models using a painting motion with the LMB. The stroke affects the faces directly below the cursor position.
Access the tool from the Subdivision Palette:
Subdiv Smooth settings
Smooth - Removes zip-zag patterns in edge chains by applying a smooth approximation curve to the affected areas. This mode does not affect the length of the edges. Use this mode to apply smoothing while maintaining the overall the shape of the topology.
Relax - Equalizes the size of faces and moves CVs toward the center of surrounding CV positions. To achieve more uniform CV distribution, this mode changes the length of the edges in the affected areas.
Controls the amount of smoothing applied to the geometry. Higher values apply significantly more smoothing, while using lower values have less affect.
Use higher values if you want smoothing applied quickly . Use lower values to apply smoothing at a slower rate, which gives you better control over the amount and to which areas the effect gets applied.