

Creates a Subdiv sweep surface from a selected profile curve and one or more rail curves. Input curves can be any type, including degree-1 curves or a chain of subdivision edges

When you select curves as the profile, you can specify how many Divisions to use to approximate the input, and whether the distribution should be Uniform, Parametric, or a mixture of uniform and curvature based.

When you select a chain of subdivision edges as a profile, the number of Divisions in the resulting geometry is derived from the input. The resulting subdivision faces are welded to the input objects.

Access the tool from the Subdivision Palette:

Subdiv Sweep settings

Sweep Mode

  • Parallel - As the generation curve sweeps along the rail, it maintains its original orientation.
  • Radial - As the generation curve sweeps along the rail, it pivots to maintain the same angle relative to the rail curve.


Sets the properties of the resulting geometry along the profile and rail curves.


Sets the number of segments along the length of the curves.


  • Uniform - Distributes the CVs evenly along the length of the curves. When you select this mode, you can use Curvature Bias to adjust the how curvature affects the distribution. For example, you can add Curvature Bias to distribute more of the CVs to areas with greater curvature.

  • Parametric - Uses the parametric space to distribute the CVs. For example, CVs are positioned based on the U parameter value along the source curve.

Curvature Bias

(Available only for Uniform Mode) When set to 0, the CVs are evenly distributed. As you increase this value, the profile curve curvature has a greater effect on how the CVs get distributed.

Chain Select

When on, selecting a single edge or a curve segment automatically selects the edge loop or adjacent curve segments.

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