New and improved Dynamo Player scripts (2024.1)
We've provided several new Dynamo Player sample scripts, including a head model and a manikin generator, more patterning scripts, as well as scripts designed to create target reference geometry for the Feature Modifier tool.
New Dynamo Player scripts
Modular Headshape 2024.1.1-modhd.dyn
This script creates a head model from .tss t-spline subdivision geometry. The script controls allow you to make variations of head and facial features by adjusting characteristics, such as gender, age, and more. Use the head model as a reference object in Alias.
Manekin 2024.1.1.76-mankn.dyn
Creates a full body manikin from subdivision geometry, with rotating joints on the neck, torso and limbs. Position the geometry using a construction point or at the viewport origin (X=0, Y=0, X=0). Use the script controls to specify the height and orientation of the manikin as well as to rotate the limb joints to pose it.
Nurbs Surfaces on Revolved Surface(s) 2024.1.13.dyn
This script creates multiple NURBS surfaces on revolved surfaces. These surfaces are arranged in rings and can be optionally staggered. Set the surface width and height using the script controls or by selecting a reference surface. Use this script to create target reference surfaces for the Feature Modifier tool.
Nurbs Surfaces on Surface(s) 2024.1.10-sfonsf.dyn
Creates surfaces on a target surface using specified construction points for position and a construction plane for orientation. Use the results of this script as a target reference for the Feature Modifier tool.
Transform by Planes 2024.1.1-tbypln.dyn
Use this script to translate and rotate multiple objects using the coordinate system of a construction plane you've created and transformed.
Nurbs Rectangular Surface from Curves crv2sf.dyn
This script creates a NURBS planar surface from a curve or surface edge using a best fit plane method. Use this script to create a source reference for the Feature Modifier tool.
For more information, see Dynamo Player sample scripts.
Create Picture 2024.1.11-crpic.dyn
This script creates a black-and-white picture from specified input surfaces. The selected surfaces display in white while the environment displays in black. An active construction plane determines the direction the picture is taken from. Modify the picture result, and then use the picture with the Place and Scale by Picture script.
Place and Scale by Picture 2024.1.13-pasbyp.dyn
Use this script to place and scale the image you created using the Create Picture script. This script uses the image to control the scaling of either circles or selected curves. For example, the brighter the image, the higher the scaling of the curves, and the darker the image, the smaller the curves become. These curves are then used to trim holes into the reference surfaces.
For more information, see Dynamo Player sample scripts.
Script Improvements
The 2D XY Pattern 2024.1.22-2Dptrn.dyn now lets you select multiple surfaces for the points to be created on.
Alias updated to Dynamo 2.19
We've updated Alias to Dynamo version 2.19.
For more information about this Dynamo release, see the Dynamo website.