
CATIA V5 export updates and improvements (2024)

We've added new export options for shaders and materials as well as improved round-tripping of Alias layer hierarchy.

New CATIA export options and improvements

Alias 2024 includes a new Export Shader option, which lets you include Alias hardware shaders in the resulting CATIA file.

When exporting shaders, you can also choose one of the following shader export options:

Shaders to Fill Colors

Turn this option on to convert assigned Alias hardware shaders to object fill colors in the resulting CAITA file. If this option is off, Alias hardware shaders are converted to CATIA V5 materials.

Assign Shaders to Geom. Sets only

When exporting groups or layers containing objects that share the same set of shaders, you can use this option to assign the shaders to the Geom Sets in the exported CATIA file. This way, only one instance of each shader is included in the export. When this option is off, the export generates an instance of the shader for each object assignment. This leads to longer translation times and results in larger file sizes.

Layer folders now supported

Export By Layer now supports Alias layer folders. This means that the entire Alias layer hierarchy is preserved in the translated CATIA file. In previous versions of Alias, layer folders are ignored.

This lets you import the file back to Alias, using Convert Geometric Sets to Layers, and have the file's original layer hierarchy maintained.

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