
Cameras - Arnold for 3ds Max

Further Reading
See Cameras in the Arnold User Guide
The Arnold for 3ds Max User Guide explains how to set up Arnold cameras in the 3ds Max user interface. The Arnold User Guide provides the full documentation for Arnold cameras.


More information about cameras can be found in the Arnold User Guide.


Only basic features are currently supported by cameras. For best results, you should use the 3ds Max Physical Camera. Basic depth of field is supported by the 3ds Max Physical Camera. Full support for Arnold's cameras will be available in a future release.

Arnold provides the following camera types:

VR Camera

This is a generic VR camera implementation. It features two cameras offset by a distance with a specific 360º projection.

Cylindrical Camera

This camera node provides a cylindrical view, useful for creating panoramic views. A common use of this camera projection is to allow the creation of environment maps (in 'lat-long' or latitude-longitude format) for later use as reflection maps or for environment lighting.

Fisheye Camera

This camera node provides a fish-eye lens type view. The depth of field and aperture controls are similar to the standard perspective camera, but the fisheye camera also provides control over the field of view.

Spherical Camera

This is a spherical camera which means that the camera lens has a spherical appearance. A common use of this camera projection is to allow the creation of environment maps (in spherical map format) for later use as reflection maps or for environment lighting.

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