
Arnold Menu - Arnold for 3ds Max

Arnold RenderView

Opens the Arnold RenderView window.

Flush Caches

The Flush Caches menu can be found within the Arnold menu.

Operator Graph

Opens the Operator Graph window.

Arbitrary Output Variables (AOVs)

Opens the Arbitrary Output Variables (AOVs) window.

AOV Light Group Manager

Opens the Light Group Manager window.

Import Materials

Import materials and maps as ass or mtlx. The imported nodes should be available in the Slate Material Editor.

Import Materialswindow

Export Materials

Export materials and maps used by the currently selected nodes as ass or mtlx.

Export Materials window

Import/Export Imagers

A set of imagers can be exported to and imported from arnold files (.ass, usd), for exchange between scenes or to use as presets.

Bake Selected Geometries

Geometries with displacement and/or subdivision can now be "Baked" to a .ass or .usd file, which can then be referenced in a procedural for rendering.



  • User Guide: opens this MAXtoA manual in the browser.
  • Arnold Renderer: opens the Arnold Renderer website in the browser.
  • Arnold Answers: opens the Arnold Community website in the browser.
  • About MAXtoA: You can check the version number by opening the About dialog from the Arnold > About menu. It displays a dialog showing credits and the version number of MAXtoA and the Arnold core.

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