
Textures - Arnold for 3ds Max

Further Reading
See Textures in the Arnold User Guide
The Arnold for 3ds Max User Guide explains how to work with Arnold textures in the 3ds Max user interface. The Arnold User Guide provides the full documentation for Arnold textures.

When using Arnold, it is best to use a tiled and mipmapped texture format such as .exr or .tx.

By default, Arnold automatically creates tx files. This is controlled by the Auto-convert Textures to TX option in the Arnold Render Settings.

If you disable auto-tx, you can create tx files with maketx.

A tutorial that covers this process can be found here.

Flush Caches

If you need to modify texture while you are rendering, you have the following options:

  • Use the Flush Caches ->Textures command.
  • Disable Auto-mipmap and Auto-tile options while you are modifying textures. With this option, you will not have any preprocess before each render.

The Flush Caches menu can be found within the Arnold menubar in the main application window


Maketx is a command-line utility to convert images to tiled, MIP-mapped textures, similar to txmake in Pixar Renderman. It is part of OpenImageIO ( and was developed by Larry Gritz at Sony Pictures Imageworks.

  • A tutorial that shows the workflow involved when working with .tx files can be found here.
  • Do not linearize textures used to drive scalar values as you will lose precision values.
  • The maketx utility is available in the MAXtoA plugin folder. In Windows this would be: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MAXtoA_2022

Mip-Mapping Bias

This parameter is visible in the image shader. MIP-mapping Bias offsets the Mip-Map level from which a texture is sampled.


MAXtoA supports the following texture tokens, including both the <tile> (Mudbox) and <udim> (Mari) tokens.


Token Texture Name Texture Path Result
<tile> texture _u1_v1.tx texture.tx _u1_v1
<udim> texture_v0001.tx texture_v0001..tx 1001, 1002, 1003 etc


When using the  token, multiple textures can be used to cover a model, rather than a single, much larger, texture.

Image map with <tile> texture token

UDIM values are a way of representing the integer coordinates of a texture, from the coordinates of its bottom-left corner in UV space.

Image map with the <udim> tag

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