
Cameras - Arnold for Maya

See Cameras in the Arnold User Guide
The Arnold for Maya User Guide explains how to set up Arnold cameras in the Maya user interface. The Arnold User Guide provides the full documentation for Arnold cameras.

The perspective or standard camera is the most common. Both the perspective and fish-eye cameras provide depth of field and model the effect of altering the camera aperture. The orthographic, cylindrical, and spherical camera types enable certain non-perspective views to be created but do not attempt to model any real-world lens effects (they are normally used for creating environment maps).

  • To change the Arnold camera settings, you need to use the Arnold tab in Maya's Attribute Editor for the camera object (make sure you scroll down past the standard Maya 'Camera Attributes' tab to the tab marked Arnold and expand it).
  • Depth of Field is not available for cylindrical and orthographic cameras.
  • Camera Motion Blur enables you to turn camera motion blur on or off. 'Use Global Settings' will use the value set in the motion blur tab from the MtoA global render settings. This option can be u seful when there are multiple cameras in a scene that may or may not require motion blur. Use Global Shutter (enabled by default) signifies that the camera should use the values from the Render Settings, in the motion blur tab. When you want to set a specific shutter in the camera, you can disable Use Global Shutter and then it will be taken into account.

A scene that demonstrates rolling_shutter can be found here.

Arnold provides the following camera types:

Cylindrical Camera

This cyl_camera node provides a cylindrical view, useful for creating panoramic views. A common use of this camera projection is to allow the creation of environment maps (in 'lat-long' or latitude-longitude format) for later use as reflection maps or for environment lighting.

Fisheye Camera

This fisheye_camera node provides a fish-eye lens type view. The depth of field and aperture controls are similar to the standard perspective camera, but the fisheye camera also provides control over the field of view.

Orthographic Camera

This ortho_camera node provides an orthographic view (no perspective, so objects do not decrease in size if they are further from the camera).

Perspective Camera

This perp_camera node provides a perspective view, like a regular camera. This is the 'standard' camera type that you will probably use most often. In addition to a normal perspective, this camera type also provides controls for the depth of field, and the focal length of the camera, as well as controls, to do with the aperture of the camera. This allows various camera lens effects, including bokeh, to be simulated.

Spherical Camera

The spherical_camera is a camera lens has a spherical appearance. A common use of this camera projection is to allow the creation of environment maps (in spherical map format) for later use as reflection maps or for environment lighting.

VR Camera

vr_camera is a generic VR camera implementation. It features two cameras offset by a distance with a specific 360º projection.

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