BIM Definition Add-in
We are proud to introduce an entirely new way of defining BIM information for an Inventor Model, as well as a new process for generating a greatly improved Revit Family result for use in Revit Project design workflows. Use BIM Definition in Inventor as part of your standard modelling practice for defining Informed Design Products before publishing. The BIM elements, settings and properties defined in Inventor translate 100% to the Revit Families that Informed Design generates from the published product model.
BIM Definition Add-In for Inventor
As of Aug 12, 2024, you will notice a new 'BIM Definition' tab in Inventor located just to the right of the Informed Design tab.
The BIM Definition Add-In is installed along with the Informed Design for Inventor Add-In. If you don't see the BIM definition tab in Inventor, use the Inventor Add-In Manager to load and the set the "BIM Definition for Inventor" add-in to 'load automatically.' It is essential when Publishing Products from Inventor with Informed Design that this add-in is loaded, so it is best to have it load automatically whenever you run Inventor.
The BIM Definition User Interface is comprised of 3 basic elements:
The Commands Ribbon The BIM Properties Panel The BIM Definition Browser
The Commands Ribbon
- Family Definition Group - The UCS, Insertion point and Placement Plane commands are for defining how the Revit Family result will be positioned and oriented at insertion time in Revit.
- MEP Connectors - The MEP Connectors commands are for defining the various Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing connectors to be included in the Revit Family result, so that the necessary connections can be defined during design within Revit.
- Panel - The BIM Properties command is for toggling the display of the dockable BIM Properties panel
- Help - The Help command displays the currently installed BIM Definition Add-In Version information
BIM Properties Panel
- The BIM Properties panel is where you can set the relevant Revit Family characteristics and properties to be included in the Revit Family result.
BIM Definition Panel
- The BIM Definition Browser contains all BIM elements that have geometric relations and dependencies such as UCS, Insertion Point, Placement Plane and MEP connectors.
BIM Model (Revit Family) results in Revit
With BIM Definition data defined on the Product Authoring side in Inventor, the Revit Families that Informed Design generates for Revit Design workflows can be replete with the appropriate insertion point, orientation, placement behavior, category, family name, and type name as well as all the relevant BIM property values filled out, be they built-in or custom.
The BIM Definition commands are disabled automatically when the Primary Model State is not active. This is to prevent the creation of BIM elements that could have dependencies on model state specific design elements.
- All BIM elements (Insertion Point, UCS, Placement Planes, Connections) just reference geometric elements that persist across all model states.
- Connectors that fail or that become broken when changing the active Model State will fail to be created (i.e. excluded) in the Revit Families generated by Informed Design for the Insert product variants workflow in Revit.
Add BIM Definition in Inventor as a routine part of the modeling process. It is best to incorporate BIM definition into your model as part of the design process to ensure the model behaves and updates properly when expressing different configurations before Publishing.
BIM Definition Ribbon Commands
UCS (User Coordinate System)
The UCS command is for defining how the Product will be oriented at placement time in Revit. The Z axis of the UCS determines which way is 'UP' in Revit. Consider a wall panel as an example: The height dimension of a wall normally corresponds to the positive Z direction in Revit which we think of as 'Up', therefore, a UCS should be defined with BIM Definition where the Z axis aligns with the height dimension of the wall.
Default Orientation
If a BIM Definition UCS is not defined, the Product orientation in Revit will default to the origin X,Y, Z orientation of the base model in Inventor. In other words, the Default orientation is the Origin X,Y,Z orientation of Base Model
BIM Definition UCS utilizes the standard Inventor UCS command, so it is created and modified as you would with the Inventor UCS command.
The UCS created with the BIM Definition add-in utilizes the standard Inventor UCS command, so it is created and modified as you would with the Inventor UCS command.
For detailed Help on the UCS command go here: Inventor UCS Help Link
The UCS created with the BIM Definition add-in appears in the BIM Definition Browser with the name "BIM_UCS". There can be only one BIM_UCS defined for the Informed Design Base Model.
You can edit the UCS by right clicking on it in the BIM Definition Browser and using the 'Redefine Feature' command from the context menu or by double clicking on the UCS in the canvas.
Insertion Point
Default Insertion Point
If a BIM Definition Insertion Point is not defined, the Product insertion point in Revit will default to the origin X=0, Y=0, Z=0 position of the base model in Inventor. In other words, the Default origin is Origin X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0 of Base Model.
The BIM Definition Insertion Point utilizes the standard Inventor Create Workpoint command, so it is created and modified as you would with the Inventor create Workpoint command.
The Insertion Point is a construction point that is parametrically attached to other objects. You can select model vertices, edge and axis intersections, or intersections of three nonparallel faces or planes to create a work point. In an assembly, in-line work features are not available and midpoints can’t be selected to create an Insertion Point.
The Insertion Point created with the BIM Definition add-in is included in the BIM Definition Browser with the name "Insertion Point". There can be only one Insertion Point defined for the Informed Design Base Model.
You can edit the Insertion Point by right clicking on it in the BIM Definition Browser and using the 'Redefine Feature' command from the context menu.
Placement Planet
The Placement Plane is for defining the orientation behavior of the Product when being placed in Revit. When a Product variant is being inserted in Revit it will automatically orient itself to a reference plane.
The 'Behavior Type' input found in the BIM Definition Properties Panel lets you choose between Generic, Face Based, Wall Based, Floor Based and Ceiling Based. A Placement plane is required for all but the Generic option. You will be prompted to select a placement plane automatically if you try to set the Behavior Type as other than Generic if a placement plane has not already been defined.
You can edit or remove the Placement Plane by right clicking on it in the BIM Definition Browser and choosing 'Redefine Placement Plane' or 'Remove Placement Plane' from the context menu.
MEP Connectors
The MEP Connectors commands are for defining any Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing connectors that need to included in the Revit Family result. These connectors are recognized by Revit as connectors that can be utilized in MEP system design workflows.
You can edit, suppress or delete MEP Connectors by right clicking on them in the BIM Definition Browser to access those commands in the context menu.
Cable Tray Connector
To define a Cable Tray Connector select the relevant rectangular face from the model, toggle the direction as needed and then enter and select values for each of the available properties, or set them with a Formula to equate their value to the value of an Inventor parameter or iproperty. Values driven by a formula will be updated automatically when the associated parameter or iproperty value is changed in Inventor, whether manually, during model update or when iLogic rules run to reconfigure the model. Use iLogic to update parameters and iproperties used in MEP connector formulas to ensure the correct values are applied for each configuration of the Product.
Conduit Connector
To define a Conduit Connector set the position by selecting a face from the model, toggle the direction as needed and then enter and select values for each of the available properties or set them with a Formula to equate their value to the value of an Inventor parameter or iproperty. Values driven by a formula will be updated automatically when the associated parameter or iproperty value is changed in Inventor, whether manually, during model update or when iLogic rules run to reconfigure the model. Use iLogic to update parameters and iproperties used in MEP connector formulas to ensure the correct values are applied for each configuration of the Product.
Duct Connector
To define a Duct Connector Set the Shape option, select the associated face from the model, toggle the direction as needed and then enter and select values for each of the available properties or set them with a Formula to equate their value to the value of an Inventor parameter or iproperty. Values driven by a formula will be updated automatically when the associated parameter or iproperty value is changed in Inventor, whether manually, during model update or when iLogic rules run to reconfigure the model. Use iLogic to update parameters and iproperties used in MEP connector formulas to ensure the correct values are applied for each configuration of the Product.
Pipe Connector
To define a Pipe Connector set the position by selecting a face from the model, toggle the direction as needed and then enter and select values for each of the available properties or set them with a Formula to equate their value to the value of an Inventor parameter or iproperty. Values driven by a formula will be updated automatically when the associated parameter or iproperty value is changed in Inventor, whether manually, during model update or when iLogic rules run to reconfigure the model. Use iLogic to update parameters and iproperties used in MEP connector formulas to ensure the correct values are applied for each configuration of the Product.
Electrical Connector
To define an Electrical Connector choose the System Type, select a face from the model, toggle the direction as needed and then enter and select values for each of the available properties or set them with a Formula to equate their value to the value of an Inventor parameter or iproperty. Values driven by a formula will be updated automatically when the associated parameter or iproperty value is changed in Inventor, whether manually, during model update or when iLogic rules run to reconfigure the model. Use iLogic to update parameters and iproperties used in MEP connector formulas to ensure the correct values are applied for each configuration of the Product.
BIM Properties Panel
The BIM Properties command in the BIM Definition Ribbon toggles the display of the dockable BIM Properties panel.
The BIM Properties Panel provides a means to define all of the major aspects of the Revit Family such as behavior when placing, Category, Family and type name, OmniClass number, and category specific as well as custom properties. The more complete the BIM properties are in Inventor, the better and more complete the Revit Family result in Revit.
BIM Properties Panel Inputs
Behavior Type
The Behavior Type determines the Revit Family host dependency and orientation when placing it in a Revit project.
Behavior Type Options:
- Generic - A Revit Family with 'Generic' behavior assigned has no host dependency and can be placed anywhere in a Revit project. The default orientation when inserting it is determined by the BIM Definition UCS (if it has be defined) or by how the model is oriented in Inventor relative the the origin X, Y, Z orientation (if a BIM Definition UCS has not been defined).
- Ceiling - A Revit Family with 'Ceiling' behavior assigned has a dependency on a Revit System Ceiling element as its host. This behavior prevents the insertion of the Family when no Ceiling element exists in the Revit project. Ceiling behavior also causes the Revit Family being inserted to orient itself coplanar to the Ceiling plane in Revit with respect to the BIM Definition Placement Plane orientation..
- Face - A Revit Family with 'Face' behavior can be placed by referencing any face element anywhere in a Revit project. The orientation when inserting it is determined by the face under the cursor (insertion point) when positioning it in Revit. Face based behavior is the most flexible option if the Product can be oriented in a variety of ways without respect to a specific host element type in Revit. For example, a lighting fixture Product that can be mounted on a wall or a ceiling should be Face based.
- Floor - A Revit Family with 'Floor' behavior assigned has a dependency on a Revit System Floor element as its host. This behavior prevents the insertion of the Family when no Floor element exists in the Revit project. Floor behavior also causes the Revit Family being inserted to orient itself coplanar to the Floor plane in Revit with respect to the BIM Definition Placement Plane orientation.
- Wall - A Revit Family with 'Wall' behavior assigned has a dependency on a Revit System Wall element as its host. This behavior prevents the insertion of the Family when no Wall element exists in the Revit project. Wall behavior also causes the Revit Family being inserted to orient itself coplanar to the Wall plane in Revit with respect to the BIM Definition Placement Plane orientation
- NOTE: Ceiling, Floor and Wall behavior require the existence of the corresponding Revit System Family element in the Revit project before the Revit family can be inserted and positioned. Ceiling, Floor and Wall type Products created and published with Informed Design do not currently qualify as a host.
Revit Family Category
Set the Revit Family Category as appropriate based on the type of Product you are publishing. The Product variant instances (Loadable Revit Families) placed in Revit will land in the corresponding category in the Revit Project Browser. The Category and Family properties available in the BIM Definition panel are based on the category chosen.
The Revit Family Category defaults to 'Generic'. We recommend always setting the category to something specific and appropriate based on the type of building Product you are publishing
Family Name
Enter a Family Name for the Revit Family that will appear in the Revit Project Browser in the Category assigned.
The default Family Name is automatically set to the file name of the Base Model in Inventor.
Family Type Name
Each unique Product Variant placed in a Revit project is represented by a Revit Family having a single static Type. By 'Type' we mean 'Configuration'. The default value for Family Type Name is "Standard" which isn't very helpful, so we recommend a meaningful type name be specified.
The best and most meaningful way to set the value for Family Type Name is to use the Formula option to equate the value to the value of an Inventor Text Parameter. The Inventor text parameter can driven by an iLogic rule that generates a unique and meaningful name (you define the logic however you like) based on each specific configuration.
If the Product you are publishing is static (i.e. is not configurable) and thus there is only one Type, it is sufficient to simply key-in a static value for whatever Family Type Name is appropriate.
Omniclass Title and Number
Set the Omniclass Number and Title by clicking 'Browse' and selecting the appropriate value from the classification list in the Omniclass Dialog.
Category & Family Properties
The built-in Category and Family Properties list is populated based on the Revit Family Category currently selected.
If the value for a property does not change based on the configuration of the Product, you should Key-in a Static Value.
If the value for a property needs to change based on the configuration of the Product, set the value with the Formula option by selecting the associated Inventor Parameter or iProperty of a compatible type whose value is being driven by the configuration rules.
All Inventor document units will be converted to Revit units.
- Length (inch, foot, centimeter, millimeter, meter, micron)
- Time (second, minute)
- Angle (degree, radian)
- Mass (lbmass, slug, gram, kilogram)
Add Inventor Parameters and Properties
Click the 'Add to BIM Properties' button in the BIM Properties Panel to add custom properties from existing Inventor Parameters and iProperties.
The values for custom properties in the BIM Definition Panel are Read-Only since they are driven by the Inventor Parameter and iProperty values. Custom Property values update automatically when the value of the Inventor Parameter or iProperty changes.
Custom Properties added are Included in the Revit Family result as custom properties.
BIM Definition Browser
The BIM Definition Browser provides a filtered view of the BIM Definition elements that exist in the Inventor model.
All BIM Definition data and elements are contained in and saved with your Inventor document.
Clear BIM Definition
Right Click on the root node in the BIM Definition Browser to access the "Clear BIM Definition" command.
Clear BIM Definition will remove all existing BIM data -- including UCS, Insertion Point, Placement Plane, MEP Connectors, etc. All BIM Properties will reset to the default values.