Project Administration
Project Administration is used to manage project members and project-level settings. As a best practice, multiple project administrators should be added to spread the responsibility of managing projects, members, and permissions. Typical examples of construction industry positions that could fill the project administrator role include project managers or local project superintendents.
Project administrators can:
- Add or remove project members
- Assign a member a company, role, and access level
- Manage a member's product access
- Define a member's permission level for features within specific tools
- Manage project settings
- Manage product settings
- Define project locations
- Manage member notification settings
- Bridge other projects that need to share data
- Manage companies in a project (account administrators can limit capabilities with companies)
Note: Project administrators inherit the highest level of permission in any tool that they use.
Want to learn more about this topic?
Check out our video courses to learn what project administrators can do within the Autodesk Construction Cloud.
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