
Reviewing Grading Object Constraints

Before optimizing, review your grading objects, where they are placed, and how they may interact. For example, overlapping and adjacent zones take priority over each other from the top down in the Grading Objects Browser.

  1. Select the grading object to review in one of two ways:

    • Select the geometry in the Visualization Display
    • Select the object node in the Grading Objects Browser.
  2. Once selected, the appropriate properties panel will display.

    Tip: You can select the eye icon next to any of the grading objects to temporarily hide them in the Visualization Display. This helps to identify and locate objects that are close together or stacked in layers.
  3. Review the constraint settings, keeping in mind that they may override others, including the global slope constraints.

  4. Verify your drainage objects. Are drain-lines pointing the right way? Are exclusive drainage zones affecting the planned flow?

  5. Make changes where needed.

Tip: You can temporarily disable any grading object if you want to run an optimization without its influence. You can disable objects or object types in the Grading Objects Browser. Expand the browser to the node that you want to disable and place your cursor over it. Select the Disable icon to disable it. Select it again to enable it.

Note: You cannot move or delete grading objects in Grading Optimization. You must go back to the source drawing and change or reposition the geometry and then return to optimize.

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