
Sending Optimized Results to the Source Drawing

Once a satisfactory optimization has been calculated, the updated geometry and TIN surface data can be sent back to the source drawing.

  1. Click Update Drawing in the Optimization Toolbar. The Save Optimization Result dialog opens.

  2. Select Surface if you want to send the optimized surface back to your drawing and then do one of the following:

    • Select Create New Surface, name it, and select its surface style.

    • Select Update an Existing Surface and specify the surface to be overwritten.

      Note: Surface styles and updatable surfaces are determined by the source drawing.
  3. Select Feature Lines if you want to send any feature lines created in the optimization process back to the drawing. If so, select Select Save Feature Lines to Site and do one of the following:

    • Select Create New Feature Lines, specify a unique prefix for the line name, and select a feature line style.
    Note: Avoid using a character string that may already exist in the project as this may cause issues when updating the feature lines.
    • Select Update Existing Feature Lines and specify the prefix of the feature lines to be overwritten. This option is only available if feature lines were created from a previous optimization.

      The Weeding Options reduce the number of vertices on a feature line. Vertices are weeded if found to be unnecessary based on weeding factors of grade and length.

      Vertices with a grade less than the specified grade factor are deleted. Vertices that are closer than the length factor entered to their two neighboring vertices are also deleted.

      Note: Feature line styles that can be updated are determined by the source drawing.
  4. Select Points if you want to send any points created in the optimization process back to the drawing as a point group. If so, select Save Optimized Points to Point Group and do one of the following:

    • Select Create New Point Group, name it, and select a point style.

    • Select Update an Existing Point Group and specify the point group to be overwritten.

      Note: Point styles and point groups that can be updated are determined by the source drawing.
  5. Click Finish.

The Updated Drawing

The optimized surface sent back is the full area of the original surface sent to . It is not limited to only the changed triangles.

Important: If you close Grading Optimization or Civil 3D before sending the results to the drawing, optimization updates to the surface are not saved.

If Grading Optimization is run again, you can choose to either start with the original EG surface or with this new optimized surface. If you start with the optimized surface, the earthwork cut and fill values will be relative to this optimized surface and not the original existing ground surface.

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