Advanced Operation and Program Editing
Operation Drag and Drop
To drag and operation from on channel to another, simply drag it from one place in the program tree to the other. It can be dragged within the same program (and channel) or dragged to another channel.
Select the source operation.
Drag and drop it to the new location:
The Copy/Move Operations dialog will be displayed:
This dialog shows the original section on the left and the modified section on the right.
The dialog can make a copy of the original operation or move the operation (Copy and Paste vs. Cut and Paste).
Click Remove Original Tool and the original tool will be removed if the operation is being removed from one turret to another.
On the target side, Mirror Axes can be used to change the signs of the X, Y or Z axes. Remove Axes can be used to remove axes from the target code. If an axis does not exist on the target (for example the Y), the Remove Axis option for that axis will be checked automatically.
If switching channels, the appropriate codes will automatically be switched (for example Live Spindle control codes).
The spindle can be switched between MAIN and SUB spindles. When doing so, the appropriate codes (spindle control, spindle direction etc.) will be changed.
The G-Code in the target can be manually edited in the lower G-Code grid.
Selecting a code in the Codes grid will highlight that code in the G-Code editor.
Double clicking the Setting column allows the code settings to be edited. For example, double click the Main-Turning item for the M41 code. This will show the following dialog:
Choose a new setting for the code and click OK.
The code grid and the G-Code editor will update with the new value.
Some values such as the spindle speed and tool numbers are edited directly by double-clicking on their Setting item.
Once the changes are completed click OK to complete the drag and drop operation.
Operation Editing
Operations can be edited in the same manner:
Select the operation in the tree and Right Click.
Select Edit Operation from the context menu:
This displays the Operation Properties Editor:
This dialog works in the same manner as the Copy/Move Operations dialog.
Mirror Axes - Mirror the X, Y or Z axes.
Reverse Arcs – Will reverse the directions of any G2/G3 arcs (usually used with the Mirror option)
Remove Axes - Remove any X, Y or Z axis moves (the selected axis values are commented out).
Spindle – Select the main or sub-spindle for the operation.
Tool Selection – Modify the tool number (index or sub index) and tool length offset by selecting new values in the appropriate columns.
Codes – Shows the current codes in the operation. Double click on any code to modify its value. Selecting a code in the Codes grid highlights the code in the G-Code editor.
G-Code – Allows the direct editing of the G-Code for the operation. It is updated as any changes are made to the other settings.
If changes are made to operation (by switching any setting or manually editing the G-Code), clicking OK prompts you to apply that change to the program.
With the Operation Editor open, selecting another Operation in the Programs tree will load that info into the editor. Any changes made to the previous operation will be applied first.
Copy, Cut and Paste
Program sections can be directly Copied, Cut and Pasted in the Project tree. Unlike the drag and drop method, the Copy/Cut/Paste method just does a straight transfer of G-Code. There is no UI available to make adjustments to the G-Code to switch tools or spindles etc.
Start by selecting the object to be copied in the Program tree. More than one section can be selected. Right click on the selection and choose Cut or Copy from the context menu. Choosing Cut will remove the selected G-Code from the owner program. Choosing Copy will only make a copy of the selected text. In the following example, select Operation 1 and click Cut, the highlighted text will be cut or copied from the program:
The Cut operation can be UNDONE and REDONE through the Commands > Undo and Commands > Redo menu items.
Selecting Cut or Copy from the context menu will add the G-Code lines for that object to the Windows Clipboard. The results can be pasted into other Windows applications, such as Notepad or Microsoft Word or any other text based editor. Right-clicking on a program and selecting Copy will place the entire G-Code program into the Windows clipboard.
Selecting a target section allows the pasting of the results into the program at that location. Note that for Paste, the lines are always added AFTER the selected section.
Example: Creating A Pinch Turning Cycle
This example describes the creation of a multi-tasking operation using the same example project as the previous section. Start by loading the programs, tools and work holding as before.
Drag and drop the upper operation to the lower channel.
This will display the Copy/Move Operations dialog.
Select Copy the Original Operation.
Remove any Y axis moves.
On the Target section, select the new tool location as Index 3, offset 3.
Switch the Target spindle to Main. The copied tool will now appear in the 3D view on index 3 and it will be facing the Main spindle.
Switch the spindle control code to M414 (Follow Opposite Spindle).
Click OK.
When done, the lower program should appear as:
At this point, the programs will regenerate and simulate, but the turning will not be synced.
To sync the turning, click Sync to bring up the Sync Code Editor.
Find the first G01 move on each channel and select it in each insert column:
Click Insert to add the sync code.
Enter 100 as the value and the comment LAYER 1.
The sync codes will appear in the sequence grid.
Repeat this for every G01 until there are sync codes at every level.
Regenerate the simulation and then play it. The turning will now be synced.