
System Configuration

Open GL Support Settings

Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill supports several advanced 3D acceleration modes to speed up the rendering of the 3D view(s) and anti-aliasing modes to improve the display quality.  These are accessed through the following method:

  1. Start Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill.

  2. Go to Project > Options.

  3. Click 3D Rendering:


    The Polygon Drawing Mode has the following settings:

    Acceleration Off.  This is the default mode and just uses the standard OpenGL acceleration on your graphics card.

    Acceleration Medium (OpenGL Polygon Vertex Mode) – This is an advanced mode

    that speeds up the drawing of triangle displays and can speed up the display speed up to 2 times faster.

    Acceleration Maximum (OpenGL Display List Mode) – This is a mode that uses OpenGL display lists to draw groups of triangles directly on the GPU of your video card, rather than having the CPU do the drawing.  This can provide up to 10 times the performance in certain situations.

    Acceleration Maximum (OpenGL Shader Mode) – This is a mode that uses OpenGL Shader Language directly on the GPU of your video card.  This can provide up to 10 times the performance in certain situations and more detailed lighting.  This is the default mode for drawing.

    Anti-Aliasing mode smooth’s the edges of lines in the 3D display to remove the jagged appearance.  Turning on Anti-aliasing can affect the 3D rendering performance on some video cards.  The settings can be:


    No Anti-Aliasing will be performed


    2X anti-aliasing will be performed.  This will provide low quality and the lowest performance hit


    4X anti-aliasing will be performed.  This will provide medium quality and a larger performance hit


    8X anti-aliasing will be performed.  This will provide the highest quality and the highest performance hit

If there are problems with the 3D display reduce the settings for Polygon Display Mode and Anti-aliasing mode or turn them off altogether.  These modes are highly dependent on the quality of the video drivers, so it’s also recommended that they are kept up to date with the latest driver releases from nVidia or ATI/AMD.

Simulation Interpolation Options

The simulation regeneration creates the time slices based on the interpolation options of the applications.  These can be accessed through the user preferences.

Note: Do not change these settings unless instructed to do so by a CAMplete or Methods support engineer.

To display the options, go to Project > Options > Interpolation:


Maximum Interpolation Points - Set the maximum number of points that will be used during the regeneration when interpolating from point to point.

Maximum Linear Motion - Set the distance between each interpolated point.  For moves smaller than this value, no interpolated points will be used.

Maximum Rotary Motion - Set the angular change between each interpolated point.  For rotational moves smaller than this value, no interpolated points will be used.

Regeneration Redrawing – These options control how often the views are updated during Regeneration.  You can set this to update for every generated step, to update based on elapsed time, or to update for a set number of steps.  The default is to work based on time (in seconds).  This ONLY controls the redraw during regeneration.  In Simulation playback, the drawing is always done in real-time and these settings have no effect.

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