Advanced Simulation
Simulation Ribbon Tab
The Simulation Toolbar tab on the ribbon bar controls advanced options for the simulation:
View Spindlecenters the view on the Main or Sub spindle:
View Follow On constantly centers the view on the ACTIVE tool of the selected channel:
Status Overlay controls the CNC Status View. Show turns it on or off and Properties lets you adjust what is shown:
Predefined Views lets you control the main machine views (previously discussed):
Machine Jogshows the jog view that lets you move each axis of the machine individually:
Application Status View
The current status of the project is shown in the Status view, which appears in the upper right of the 3D View:
Click to clear the current log entries from the log view.
Click to access the options for controlling the Status view.
Click to copy the status view rows to the Windows clipboard.
Click to expand the status view to see more details about messages, warnings and errors.
Click to close the status view. (It will re-appear if errors or warnings are reported). It can also be opened again using the Windows > Status button on the Project tab of the ribbon.
When the status view is expanded by the button you will see the following:
Click Show Errors Only to toggle between seeing only errors and warnings and showing all log entries. Click again to collapse the status view.
Error Handling
When regenerating simulations in Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill errors will be reported in a dialog that will be displayed as soon as the error is encountered (Errors are also recorded in the Status window):
Each error message will be listed in the dialog. The columns are:
Message – The error name.
Type – Error, Warning or Message.
Channel – Which controller channel generated the error (for example, Upper or Lower).
Ignore? – The action for the error. To ignore specific errors, check them in this column. They will no longer appear as errors and stop the regeneration, although they will still be reported. Other errors will stop the regeneration. All Ignore settings will be reset when the regeneration is restarted.
Description – A detailed description of the error, including the line number (in [ ] brackets) and the G-Code for the line that caused the error.
When an error is reported, the options are to Continue the regeneration or Stop. Clicking Continue will continue the regeneration and error notifications will continue (unless ignored in the Ignore? column). For issues like Overtravel, the error dialog will continue to be displayed for every step in the simulation where an axis is over-travelling. For this case, it is usually best to click Ignore for just that error.
Clicking Ignore all errors and warnings for this simulation will ignore all non-critical errors when Continue is selected.
Any ignored errors will be displayed as warnings logged to the Status window:
Any error or warning in the Status view can be double-clicked. This will open the program Editor for that program and navigate to the line which caused the error.
Errors also appear in the Steps view:
Errors that are caused by the interpolated motion appear with a small arrow in the error icon. This could happen with a machine move line that causes an overtravel. In the above example, the X axis starts to over-travel during interpolation.
Double clicking on a line with the red exclamation will be show the same error dialog as during the simulation regeneration.
Any line of G-Code can be directly accessed from the steps editor by right-clicking it and selecting Edit G-Code Line. This will open the owner program in the Program Editor and display the matching line from the Steps view. This can be used to quickly track down G-Code errors lines.