Project Template Management
Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill supports a project template system for the easy creation of common project types. Any current document can be turned it into a template.
Managing Project Templates
To create a new template, start with a document where that will be the basis for the template. For example, load a machine and pre-select tooling and/or work holding.
Click Project Templates. This will display the Project Templates window:
Click New to create a new template.
Click Create From Current Document to use the current document.
Enter a name for the template.
Enter a description for the template.
Click OK to create the template.
Note: A template can also be created directly from an existing CS9Proj file by using the Create From CS9Proj File in the New Template dialog.Delete a template by selecting it and clicking Delete.
Rename a template by selecting it and clicking Rename.
You can modify the template Description by selecting the template and editing the text in the Description edit box.
Starting a Project from a Template
If there are templates loaded on your systems, you will be presented with them when Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill is first started:
The Project Templates are list in the grid.
As each template is selected, its description will be shown.
Select a template by double-clicking its row.
A prompt will appear to create a new CS9Proj file for the new project. Select a file name and a save folder and click Create.
The new project will be created based on the selected template.
Saving Projects
Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill can save the entire project as a .CS9Proj that can be reloaded at any time.
Click the main TM8 icon in the ribbon. This will display the file page:
Click Save or Save As.
Select a project name
The .CS8Proj extension will be added