
Supported Files on Web

You can upload and store many different file types to the Files tool on web. However, some of these supported file types can't be opened and viewed in Files (for example, .zip files).

  • Viewable Files: The following table details those supported files which can also be viewed in Files.
  • Unsupported file formats: This table details those file types which can't be uploaded or viewed in the Files tool.
Note: Some of the viewable files on web can't be viewed on mobile. See Supported Files on Mobile for more information.
Tip: Microsoft® Office online can view and edit files from Files as well. Learn more about working with Microsoft® Office files.

Viewable Files

You can use the search at the top of the table to narrow down results in the table.

Filename extension Authoring software
.3dm Rhino
.3ds Autodesk 3ds Max
.a Unix Static Object Code Library Format
.asm Autodesk ShapeManager
.axm Autodesk FormIt
.bmp Multiple
.brd Autodesk EAGLE
.bpm Bizagi Process Modeler
.cam360 Autodesk Fusion 360 Toolpath Archive Files
.catpart CATIA V5
.catproduct CATIA V5
.cgr CATIA V5
.ddx Autodesk PowerShape and FeatureCAM
.ddz Autodesk PowerInspect
.dgk Autodesk PowerShape
.dgn MicroStation
.dlv3 CATIA V4
.dmt Autodesk PowerShape
.doc Microsoft Word
.dwf Multiple
.dwfx Multiple
.dwg Autodesk AutoCAD
.dwt Autodesk AutoCAD
.dxf Autodesk AutoCAD
.emodel Autodesk PowerShape
.exp CATIA V4
.f3d Autodesk Fusion 360
.fbx Autodesk MotionBuilder
.gbxml Green Building XML Files
.glb Graphics Language Transmission Format
.gltf Graphics Language Transmission Format
.iam* Autodesk Inventor Assembly
.idw (all releases) IntelliDraw
.ifc Multiple
.ige Multiple
.iges Multiple
.igs Multiple
.ipt* (all releases) Autodesk Inventor Part
.iwm** Autodesk Infraworks
.jpg Multiple
.jpeg Multiple
.jt Siemens PLM Software
.max Autodesk 3ds Max
.model CATIA V4
.mp4 Multiple
.neu Pro/ENGINEER (Creo)
.nwc Autodesk Navisworks
.nwd Autodesk Navisworks
.obj Wavefront (ASCII)
.osb Merkaartor
.par Solid Edge
.pdf Adobe Acrobat
.pmlprj Autodesk PowerMill
.pmlprjz Autodesk PowerMill Archived Project
.png Multiple
.ppt PowerPoint
.prt Pro/ENGINEER (Creo)
.psm Solid Edge
.psmodel Autodesk PowerShape
.rcp*** Autodesk ReCap
.rvm AVEVA™ E3D Design
.rvt (current and previous 4 releases) Autodesk Revit
.sab ACIS Files
.sat ACIS Files
.skp Google SketchUp
.sldasm SolidWorks Assembly
.sldprt SolidWorks Part
.smb Multiple
.step Multiple
.stl Multiple
.stp Multiple
.stpz CATIA
.tif Multiple
.tiff Multiple
.vpb Autodesk VRED 3D
.vue Autodesk 3ds Max
.wire Autodesk Alias
.x_b Parasolid
.x_t Parasolid
.xas Pro/ENGINEER (Creo)
.xpr Pro/ENGINEER (Creo)

* .iam and .ipt files can be uploaded in Files as linked files if the .iam file is specified as the parent file. For this upload method, only one level of children nodes is supported. These file types can also be uploaded using Desktop Connector for Docs where you'll be able to specify the full path to the Inventor project file (.ipj). Multiple levels of children nodes are supported for this method.

** The viewer will only generate web views for InfraWorks models that have been published to an Autodesk Construction Cloud project from the InfraWorks desktop environment. The viewer will not generate web views for InfraWorks models that were uploaded to an an Autodesk Construction Cloud from a web browser.

*** The ReCap Viewer requires WebGL 2.0. If using the Safari browser, the ReCap Viewer requires Safari 14.0.0 or later. To enable WebGL 2.0 for Safari, go to Safari Preferences > Advanced > and turn on the option to show the Develop menu. From the Develop menu go to Experimental Features > Enable WebGL 2.0.

Unsupported File Formats

The following file types are not supported in the Files tool.

You can use the search at the top of the table to narrow down results in the table.

Filename extension Authoring software
.ade Access Project Extension
.adp Access Project
.app Executable Application
.asp Active Server Page
.bas BASIC Source Code
.bat Batch Processing
.cer Internet Security Certificate file
.chm Compiled HTML Help
.class Java Class file
.cmd DOS CP/M Command file, Command file for Windows NT
.com Command
.command MacOS Command Line Executable
.cpl Windows Control Panel Extension
.crt Certificate file
.csh UNIX csh shell script
.exe Executable file
.fxp FoxPro Compiled Source
.hex Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file
.hlp Windows Help file
.hqx Macintosh BinHex 4 Compress Archive
.hta Hypertext Application
.htm Hypertext Markup Language file
.html Hypertext Markup Language file
.inf Information or Setup file
.ins IIS Internet Communications Settings
.isp IIS Internet Service Provider Settings
.its Internet Document Set, International Translation
.jar Java Archive
.job Windows Task Scheduler Task Object
.js JavaScript Source Code
.jse JScript Encoded Script file
.ksh UNIX ksh shell script
.lnk Windows Shortcut file
.lzh Compressed Archive (LH ARC)
.mad Access Module Shortcut
.maf Access
.mag Access Diagram Shortcut
.mam Access Macro Shortcut
.maq Access Query Shortcut
.mar Access Report Shortcut
.mas Access Stored Procedures
.mat* Other authoring software than Autodesk 3ds Max
.mau Media Attachment Unit
.mav Access View Shortcut
.maw Access Data Access Page
.mda Access Add-in, MDA Access 2 Workgroup
.mde Access MDE Database file
.mdt Access Add-in Data
.mdw Access Workgroup Information
.mdz Access Wizard Template
.msc Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control file
.msi Windows Installer file
.msp Windows Installer Patch
.mst Windows SDK Setup Transform Script
.ocx Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Control Extension
.ops Office Profile Settings file
.pcd Visual Test
.pkg Mac OS X Installer Package
.pif Windows Program Information file
.prf Novapoint Layout file
.prg Program file
.ps1 PowerShell Script file
.pst MS Exchange Address Book file, Outlook Personal Folder file
.reg Registration Information/key for Windows 95/98, Registry Data file
.scf Windows Explorer Command
.scr Windows Screen Saver
.sct Windows Script Component, FoxPro Screen
.sea Self-expanding Archive
.sh Shell script
.shb Windows Shortcut into a Document
.shs Shell Scrap Object file
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics file
.tmp Temporary file or folder
.url Internet Location
.vb VBScript file or any Visual Basic Source
.vbe VBScript Encoded Script file
.vbs VBScript Script file, Visual Basic for Applications Script
.vsmacros Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project
.vss Visio Stencil
.vst Visio Template
.vsw Visio Workspace file
.webloc MacOS Finder Internet Location
.ws Windows Script file
.wsc Windows Script Component
.wsf Windows Script file
.wsh Windows Script Host Settings file
.zlo ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm Mailsafe Renamed .PIF file
.zoo Early compressed file format

* Only .mat file generated by Autodesk 3ds Max is supported. .mat files generated by other authoring tools like MatLab are not supported.

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