
Unsupported File Types

Autodesk Drive allows you to upload nearly any type of file. Here are the exceptions:

File Extension Description
exe Executable file
DS_Store Hidden file in MacOS, which can get inadvertently added when you upload an entire folder
F3D Fusion 3D

If you attempt to upload these file types, the upload will fail and you'll see an error.

Unsupported characters and filenames

We don't allow certain characters to be used in the name of files & folders.

  • Uploads will fail, if the filename includes these characters.
  • Rename is blocked, if the new name includes these characters.
Character character name
< Left carat/less than
> Right carat/greater than
" Double quote-mark
? Question mark
Any other character blocked by Microsoft Windows See the Microsoft documentation for details.

We also disallow any full filename that is blocked by Microsoft Windows:

Unsupported files for Viewing

Autodesk Drive lets you open many files for web-based viewing. However, we don't support every file format!

Here is the list of file types you can view in Drive.

Even if you can't view a file, you can upload it to Drive (except the 3 file-types listed above), so that you can share it with your colleagues.

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