
About Timeline Gaps

Gaps are spaces on a track that do not contain media. You can use gaps to see through one layer to another or to apply effects to the tracks below the gap. If a gap exists on a track, the next track that contains video media is included in the edit as long as it is also below the focus track.

Here are some tips for working with timeline gaps:

  • Since timeline gaps are independent of all media, they are useful for applying Timeline FX or Batch FX (as an Adjustment Segment) that affect all tracks under the gap.
  • By default, empty gaps are transparent. However, you can make an empty gap opaque if you do not want to see through to the next track. To do so, select the gap on the timeline, then click Colour Source in the Gap quick menu, then select a colour for the gap. Click Remove Colour to return a gap to transparent.
  • While editing on the timeline, you can also quickly remove a gap between elements by right-clicking the gap, and choosing Close Gap.
  • When selecting elements on the timeline with a rectangle selection (that is, when drawing a bounding box around them), you can choose whether to include gaps by enabling or disabling Selection Includes Gaps in the Timeline Options menu.

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