The Viewing panel offers different visual representations of the clips in the Media panel.
From the View mode box, select from the following views:
- Desktop Reels: Displays reels where clips and sequences are placed. Clips and sequences can be edited and played back from the reels.
- Freeform: Displays the clips within the selected Media panel folder or reel as thumbnails.
- Player: Displays and plays back the selected clip in a Player.
- Source - Sequence: Displays and plays back the selected source clip and sequence in two side-by-side players.
- Triptych Player: Displays and plays back one or multiple clips in three side-by-side players. The triptych player can be useful for such operations as colour matching, for example.
- Trim View: Displays the last (outgoing) and first (incoming) frame above the Timeline from the two clips be trimmed. Tip: Double-clicking a thumbnail in the Media panel displays the clip in the Player.