Keyboard Shortcut
- Description field
- Displays the name of the selected menu button. Non-editable.
- Clone button
- Duplicate the current Keyboard Shortcut without its assigned Keystroke.
- Revert All to Factory button
- Resets all keyboard shortcuts to their default settings.
- Hide Window button
- Hides the Keyboard Shortcut Editor panel when you want to select a menu button hidden by the panel. The panel reappears when you select a menu button. Alternatively, click in an open area to return to the Keyboard Shortcut Editor panel without selecting anything.
Note: This button is only available when accessing the Keyboard Shortcut Editor from a module.
Keystroke Editor
Note: The available options depend on the button you select. For example,
Integer Increment is only available when you select a numeric field.
- Keystroke field
- Displays the keystroke sequence. Click keys in the Keystroke Editor or the keyboard to enter a new sequence.
- Clear button
- Clears the Keystroke field.
- Set button
- Sets the contents of the Keystroke field.
- On-Screen field
- Indicates if the selected keyboard shortcut only works if the button is visible. Non-editable.
- Value Type box
- Select a value type for the selected menu button.
- Integer Increment field
- Displays the integer increment for the selected value type. Editable.
- Float Increment field
- Displays the float increment for the selected value type. Editable.
- Cycle Options button
- Enable to allow the new keyboard shortcut to cycle through options for the selected box.
Search Section
- Search Results Only button
- Enable to display only the keyboard shortcuts that match your search.
- Search button
- Performs a search based on the characters in the Search field.
- Search field
- Displays the search criteria for the Hot Key Catalogue. Editable.
- Previous button
- Selects the previous highlighted item in the search results.
- Next button
- Selects the next highlighted item in the search results.
Miscellaneous Settings
- User field
- Displays the current user that hot keys are saved for. Non-editable.
- Keyboard Type box
- Select the type of keyboard being used to take advantage of extra keys on certain keyboards. See Selecting Your Keyboard Type.
- Cancel button
- Close the Keyboard Shortcut Editor without saving your changes.
- Close button
- Save your changes and close the Keyboard Shortcut Editor.