
Customizing your File Imports Options

Flame includes pre-defined import options for each available file format. While these presets should answer most of your needs, there are times you might want a different debayering settings for .r3d files, or rename a clip on import.

Note: Whenever you change an import option, the new setting is saved to the project structure. This means that archiving a project archives the import options. Or this ensures that when transferring a project to another workstation, it is possible to import new media in the transferred project using the same import options settings.

To customize the import options of a selected file:

  1. In the MediaHub, click the Format Options tab.
  2. In the file browser, navigate to, and double-click the media file to import.

    The Selected Format field displays the format of the selected file.

  3. From the Options box, select a category of options to edit.
  4. Edit the options as needed.

    The import options are saved automatically; no need for a manual save. Flame will import media of that format using the new options.

  5. Drag and drop the media file from the browser to the Media Library. A new clip is created, using the new import options.

To customize the import options at any time:

  1. Click the MediaHub tab.
  2. In the MediaHub menu, click the Format Options tab.
  3. Enable Show All Formats.
  4. From the Selected Format box, select the media format to edit.
  5. From the Options box, select the category of options to change.
  6. Edit the options as needed.

    The import options are saved automatically; no need for a manual save. From now on, media of that format are imported using the options you have set.

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