
Grouping and Syncing Elements on the Timeline

You can create editorial groups to preserve the relationship between timeline elements in a vertical composition. For example, if you have a video clip with two tracks of audio overlapping on the timeline, you can create a group for them. When you edit one segment that is part of a group, all segments in the group are edited in the same way. If your group becomes out of sync, a visual cue is displayed on the timeline, and tools are available to help you resync the elements.

To create an editorial group:

  1. On the timeline, select the overlapping video or audio elements to include in the group.
  2. From the Timeline Gear menu, select Group > Group.
    Note: You can also right-click your selection, and choose Group from the contextual menu. If Group is unavailable in the contextual menu or the Timeline Gear menu, the selection is not able to be grouped.

    Once a group is created, file names on the elements are underlined to indicate group status.

  3. Enable Link to allow elements in the group to be edited together (you can use the keyboard shortcut for Invert Group Selection to temporarily change the status of the Link button during manipulation).
    Tip: If you cut a segment that is part of a linked group, all elements in the group are cut at the positioner location, and two separate groups are created from the cut segments.

Resetting Sync

If an editing operation removes the sync for a track in a group, a red plus (+) or minus (-) symbol appears in the element with the amount of frames that are out of sync to the left (-) or right (+).

You can attempt to manually fix the sync issue by editing the out-of-sync element. In this case, make sure that Link is disabled. Once you have resynced, you can enable Link again.

You can either resync the elements or reset the offsets, creating a new sync relationship based on the current position of the segments.

To regain sync:

  1. Select the element that is out of sync.
  2. Right-click the element, and select Resync.

    The element is resynced, if possible, and the out-of-sync symbol disappears.

To reset sync offsets:

  1. Select any element in the edit sync group.
  2. Right-click the element, and select Reset.

    The segments remain in their current positions. The sync offsets are removed creating a new edit sync group.

Deleting and Disabling Editorial Groups

When you delete an editorial group, the sync is removed from all elements that were part of the group. You can also temporarily disable an editorial group.

To delete an editorial group:

  1. Select one of the elements that make up the group.
  2. From the Timeline Gear menu, select Group > Ungroup.
    Note: You can also right-click your selection, and choose Ungroup from the contextual menu.

To remove sync temporarily:

  1. Select one of the elements that make up the group.
  2. Disable Link.
  3. Edit an element of the group.

    No other elements in the edit sync group are affected. A red plus (+) or minus (-) symbol appears on every element that is out of sync.

    Tip: You can change the Link mode temporarily on-the-fly by using the keyboard shortcut for Invert Group Selection.

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