
Configuration and OS (What's New in 2024)

Apple silicone-native, Rocky Linux 8.7, Sparks deprecation and more.

Supported Platforms

For macOS and Linux recommended hardware, see the Flame Family system requirements.

Apple silicon-native

Flame, Flame Assist, and Flare are now natively supported on Mac computers equipped with Apple silicon processors, like the M1 and M2.

Supported Operating Systems

Flame Family 2023 supports the following operating systems:


  • macOS 11
  • macOS 12
  • macOS 13


  • Rocky Linux 8.5 and 8.7

Rocky Linux 8.7

Flame Family 2024 adds support for Rocky Linux 8.7. If you are moving to Rocky Linux from CentOS 7.6 and are using ATTO fiber channel cards, see the following section.

Rocky Linux 8.5 is fully supported by Flame Family 2024. But if you want to upgrade to Rocky Linux 8.7, you can use the Easy Upgrade script included with DKU 18.

Firmware Update for ATTO Cards When Upgrading From CentOS 7.6

If you are using ATTO card FC164E or FC164P, and you plan on upgrading from CentOS 7.6 to Rocky Linux 8.5 or 8.7, you must first update the card's firmware. For details, see this Autodesk support article.

Important: Update the firmware before upgrading to Rocky Linux since the old firmware is not compatible with Rocky Linux and the card will not be visible.

Rocky Linux 8.7 Easy Upgrade Script

Important: Before upgrading, you must install DKU 18 since the NVIDIA driver part of previous DKUs is not compatible with Rocky Linux 8.7.

You now have access to a script to upgrade Rocky Linux 8.5 to Rocky Linux 8.7 on a Flame Family workstation or a Burn node. For more details, see Linux Upgrade script.

Note: Do not use this script to upgrade:
  • A project server from Rocky Linux 8.5 to 8.7. Use the dnf utility instead.
  • A headless Burn.

Updated GNOME Shortcuts

The following GNOME keyboard shortcuts are changed to avoid key conflicts when a Flame Family product is running:

  • The Overview shortcut (left Meta(Windows) key) is assigned to the right Windows key.
  • Switch Application shortcuts are disabled (Shift+Windows+Tab and Windows+Tab )
  • Move windows shortcuts are disabled (Alt-clicking)
  • Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab remain available and unchanged.

When you exit the Flame Family application, the original GNOME shortcuts are restored.

Note: If you use a keyboard with a single Windows key, you lose access to the Overview shortcut. You can fix this by following the instructions in Remapping the Overview key Left Meta key.

Project Server Configuration Updates

CentOS is no longer supported by Flame Family 2024, which means that a 2024 project server can only be installed on Rocky Linux 8.5 and 8.7.

The INSTALL_PROJECTSERVER script is improved as follows:

  • All distributed shell scripts now use the Bourne shell (sh) instead of a mixture of sh and csh.
  • The INSTALL_PROJECTSERVER script now uses DNF software package manager instead of YUM.
  • Improved the reliability and accuracy of the DNF repository connectivity test

To make sure that the temporary repository is writable, you can now customize where it is created with the --tmpswitch. Example: ./INSTALL_PROJECTSERVER --tmp <directory>

You find the INSTALL_PROJECTSERVER script in /opt/Autodesk/<product>/bin/.

Background services and LucidLink

Background caching & proxy generation services require root privilege to be able to read content. When working with LucidLink, the read & write access is limited to the user who mounted the file space. To be able to allow other users to access the file space and allow Flame Family background services, follow these steps:

  1. Unmount the file space (if mounted).
  2. Open a shell and type:
    sudo lucid daemon --fs <your
    filespace name.your domain name> --user <username>
    --password <password> --mount-point <your mountpoint>

    The command should look like:

    sudo lucid daemon --fs
    filepace.domain --user flame --password yourpassword --mount-point
    /mnt/MyFilespace --fuse-allow-other
  3. Start Lucid application and open the file space.
  4. Start Flame, go to MediaHub, enable Cache, and import your content.

For more information on using LucidLink with command line arguments, see this LucidLink article.

More Changes

Deprecated The script was a script created for CentOS and KDE. Since Flame Family products are no longer available on CentOS and KDE, the script is no longer distributed.

License authentication. On macOS, the Single User licensing now uses a web browser for authentication. The sign-in process uses the default web browser to open the authentication web page.

Deprecation of Support for Sparks

As part of the continuous modernization of Autodesk Flame Family products, Sparks plugins support and its API are no longer available in Flame Family products.

See the FAQ for full details.

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