
Media Import (What's New in 2024.1)


ARRIRAW monochrome content from ARRIRAW 7.1 is now supported.

ARRIRAW decoding reads MXF file header metadata and applies a monochrome decoding. To support ARRIRAW monochrome files, a new Monochrome option is available for the ARRIRAW7 import options: MediaHub > FormatSpecific Options > ARRIRAW 7 > Image > Monochrome > Enforce. Use this option in cases where the metadata of the recorded media files is wrong.

Note: This mode applies to all ARRIRAW content: once you've imported the monochrome media, make sure to set it back to File Header or future imports will also be monochrome. This option does not impact ARRI MXF ProRes media files.


CODEX High Density Encoding (HDE) SDK 4.0.3 Update. This updated version adds support for Monochrome ARRIRAW encoded in ARX file sequence and ARRI MXF stream. More details about HDE can be found at Codex website.

OpenEXR Updates

OpenEXR SDK 3.1.7 is now supported. This is minor update for the Apple silicon platform and bug fixes.

New OpenEXR Format Options in the MediaHub (Clip Options). Use the new option EXR Multi-Part Index when browsing OpenEXR multi-parts file sequence with non matching part name / AOV. Only use this option when AOV are not read as expected as this option slows down multi-part browsing.

Use the new option Include Part Name together with already present Channel option to include or exclude the name of the part from the clip name.

Sony Updates

In MediaHub, Previewer > Metadata now displays more accurate camera model information for Sony cameras.

Sony XAVC Update

Sony XAVC spanned clips are now supported. Continuous clips recorded over multiple cards are now supported in MediaHub. When browsing the camera cards folder, clips recorded over multiple cards are seen in the first folder of the card. It is also possible to use Scan Subdirectories to reveal clips in a folder structure made of several cards.

Support includes decoding clips recorded over more than two cards.

Colour Management

New Sony Venice colour transforms for ACES workflows (AP0/AP1) are now available. They are:

  • scene-linear-SGamut3-Venice
  • Slog3 / SGamut3-Venice
  • Slog3 / SGamut3.Cine-Venice

These new colour transforms reflect the differences in X-OCN media between files generated by the CineAlta PMW-F5/F55 and the Venice/Venice 2 cameras. They match the Input Device Transforms provided by Sony Electronics to AMPAS. See this GitHub repo for more details.

Changes to SonyRAW Color Management

When importing X-OCN media files generated by Sony Venice cameras, Tagging From File now uses the Venice colour space—Slog3 / SGamut3.Cine-Venice.

To simplify colour management, the Colour Space option in the SonyRAW Colour menu has been removed. With Flame Family 2024.1, SonyRAW is tagged SLog3/SGamut3.cine. To modify the colour space of a SonyRAW file, you now use MediaHub > General tab > Colour Management as with any other file.

Legacy content imported from the Archive or Project tabs will show the original options. Changing any colour management option for these legacy clips converts the content the new mode. If you modify an option by mistake, you can always use Undo.

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