
Colour Management Files and Locations

When importing and exporting colour transforms and LUTs you can use the location shortcut button at the lower left of file browsers to switch between the standard file locations.

You can use files located anywhere on your file system, but it is recommended you store your custom LUTs and colour transforms in either the Project or Shared location.

Shared is a useful location for storing colour management files that can be used by other applications that use Autodesk Colour Management.

Shared default location:

  • On Linux: /opt/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared
  • On macOS: /Applications/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared

You can change the path to the Shared location in the Flame Setup application, from the Colour Management tab.

Project is a useful location for storing the colour management files that are specific to the current project, for example, for archiving.

Project location (Linux and macOS):

  • /opt/Autodesk/project/<project name>/synColor

Colour Transforms

Colour transforms are based on the Academy/ASC XML colour transform format and have the .ctf extension. They are stored in the following locations:

  • Shared is a useful location for storing transforms that can be used by other applications that use Autodesk Colour Management.

    Default location in Linux: /opt/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared/transforms

    Default location in macOS: /Applications/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared/transforms

  • Project /opt/Autodesk/project/<project name>/synColor/transforms is a useful location for storing the transforms that are specific to the current project, for example, for archiving.

  • Autodesk contains the transforms installed with Flame. See Autodesk Color Transform Collection.

    Location in Linux: /opt/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/<version>/transforms

    Location in macOS: /Applications/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/<version>/transforms

    As of the 2017.1 release, the Autodesk Transform Collection is a superset of all previous releases. So it is no longer necessary to keep previous transform collections installed on a workstation to load archives created in previous releases.


Legacy Discreet 1D LUT files should have the .lut extension should be stored in the Project (/opt/Autodesk/project/<project name>/lut) location.


Legacy Discreet 3D LUT files have the .3dl extension.

The 3D LUTs installed with Flame are in the Lustre Colour (/opt/Autodesk/Lustre\_Color/lut/Lustre\_Color_3DLUTs) location. Use the Project (/opt/Autodesk/project/<project name>/lut) location to store 3D LUTs specific to a particular project.

Graphics and Broadcast Monitor Settings

Graphics and Broadcast monitor settings are considered workstation (rather than project) settings and are stored in:

  • On Linux: /opt/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/<version>/synColorConfig.xml
  • On macOS: /Applications/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/<version>/synColorConfig.xml

Installing User Colour Policies

You install user or third-party colour policies in the Shared location, in a policies folder. Each policy is then stored within its own folder.

For example, you need to use the colour policies AColour-Policy and BColour-Policy. If you are using the default Shared location, their locations are:

  • On Linux:
    • /opt/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared/policies/AColour-Policy
    • /opt/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared/policies/BColour-Policy
  • On macOS:
    • /Applications/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared/policies/AColour-Policy
    • /Applications/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/Shared/policies/BColour-Policy

When you create a project in Flame, the colour policies appear in Colour Policy Shared. And when Flame creates the project, it copies the shared policy under the project directory.

Example Colour Policies

The example Colour Policies shipped with the applications are located here:

  • /opt/Autodesk/presets/<version>/colourmgt/policies

Project Colour Policy Files

The Colour Policy files for a project are stored in the Policy home folder:


  • policy.cfg: This file defines the Working Colour Space and Action Rendering Colour Space.
  • synColorFileRules.xml: This file contains the Input Rules.
  • synColorViewingRules.xml: This file contains the Viewing Rules.
  • user_colour_spaces: This folder contains all the User-defined Colour Spaces created for the project, for example, when creating a new User Colour Space or when importing content that contains a User Colour Space (i.e Network Transfer, Archiving, etc.)

These files are all editable in a text editor.

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