
About the Resource class details

The Resource class details view provides you with all the information needed to understand how a resource class is used over the course of the project.

resource class graph

1. Resource class graph 2. Resource class summary 3. Resource class details panel

Resource class graph and summary

Ideal usage represents the theoretical ideal usage of a Resource Class if it was possible to achieve a completely level schedule. You can compare Ideal usage to Planned usage to understand how close Flow Generative Scheduling was able to come in achieving ideal utilization of this particular Resource Class.

Planned usage reflects the actual utilization of a particular Resource Class over time. By hovering over the graph, you can see how many units of this Resource Class are utilized on each day. Click the graph to see in the Task list what tasks are being worked on that day.

The Derived date handles marks the dates set by the schedule. You can override this date by dragging the handle; it then becomes a Custom date handle

Resource class summary

The Resource class summary presents more detailed information about the resource class utilization over the course of the schedule. A unit is a discreet resource of the resource class. For example, if the resource class in the Animation department, then one unit represents one animator.

Total tasks

The total number of tasks that make use of this resource class.


The total number of days from first task to last task completion. This number does not include non-working days.

Effort days

Days of effort based on an 8-hour work day.

Planned max

Maximum utilization throughout the duration of the resource class use. On the graph, this translates into the highest peak of Planned usage.

Ideal max

Ideal maximum utilization throughout the duration of the resource class use. On the graph, this translates into the level line of the Ideal usage.

Max deviation

Maximum deviation from the ideal throughout the duration of the resource class use.

Avg deviation

Average deviation from the ideal throughout the duration of the resource class use.

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