
InfoDrainage Cloud Simulation

InfoDrainage™ supports running simulation processes in the cloud. See File Preferences to enable this option.

This is achieved by connecting to a web service that will perform the necessary computations remotely and returns the resulting data to be displayed in InfoDrainage. Both 1D and 2D analysis involving rainfall and runoff calculations can now be handled by cloud processing as opposed to performing the calculations locally on your PC. Additionally, analysis results are cached for a limited time and can be retrieved if the same analysis is requested again.


InfoDrainage uses a Rainfall API directly to obtain a rainfall hyetograph for a given method (for example FSR, FEH, SCS, NOAA etc.).

Known rainfall is uploaded directly for use in a Runoff API.


InfoDrainage will call a Runoff API to produce required inflow hydrographs based on the rainfall hyetograph and catchment characteristics.

The following runoff types are supported in cloud simulation:

  • Time of Concentration
  • SCS
  • SBUH
  • Time Area Diagram
  • FSR
  • FEH
  • ReFH
  • Green Roof
  • Laurenson

At the current time, these runoff types are not supported within cloud simulation:

  • ReFH2
  • SWMM
  • Modified Rational (Static)

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