
GIS Gateway

The GIS Gateway provides a powerful and robust way to manage data-exchange settings that allows you to quickly load and save data between InfoWater Pro and GIS data sources. 

The GIS Gateway is designed for seamless and manual data transfer between InfoWater Pro and GIS data sources. The data-exchange settings are set up once and can be re-used in the future.

To open up the GIS Gateway, go to the InfoWater Pro tab → the Edit group, and click GIS Gateway.

The GIS Exchange window includes a window showing the existing GIS Exchange Clusters, a window presenting details about the selected GIS Exchange Cluster, and multiple buttons used to to create and utilize the GIS Exchange Clusters. The following summarizes the items found within the GIS Gateway window:  

GIS Exchange Cluster: A GIS Exchange Cluster defines a set of data-exchange parameters that control how data is loaded from GIS data to InfoWater Pro and saved data InfoWater Pro to geodatabases.

Arrow Up: Moves the selected GIS Exchange Cluster up.

Arrow Down: Moves the selected GIS Exchange Cluster down.

Add:  Creates a new GIS Exchange Cluster.

Edit: Modifies an existing GIS Exchange Cluster.

Clone: Creates a copy of an existing GIS Exchange Cluster.

Description: Modifies the description of an existing GIS Exchange Cluster.

Delete: Removes a GIS Exchange Cluster.

Load: Imports the information from the selected GIS Exchange Clusters.

Save: Exports the information from the selected GIS Exchange Clusters.

Batch Import:  GIS Exchange Clusters set to "Batch Exchange" checked will be imported.

Batch Export:  GIS Exchange Clusters set to "Batch Exchange" checked will be exported.

Close: Closes the GIS Gateway windows.

The GIS Exchange Cluster Window allows you to create or edit the GIS Exchange Clusters.  This window contains information on the GIS data source, the associated Network Data Source (i.e., InfoWater Model tables), the Exchange Options, the joining method, and Field Mapping.  Individual items withing the GIS Exchange Cluster window are discussed in further detail below.

OK - Click OK to save and exit.

Cancel - Click Cancel to cancel all operations and exit.

Insert GIS Data Source Picture

The GIS Data Source contains information about the database and the feature class that the GIS Exchange is built.  

GIS Data Source: The file pathway of the feature GIS feature class used in the Exchange Cluster.  

Feature Class/Table: The specific feature class or table within the selected database.

Where Clause: Allows you to create a script to query the specific items to import. The Query can be built on specific columns within the database (e.g., LIFECYCLESTATUS = 'ACTIVE').  

Operator Description
= Equal
< > Not Equal
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or Equal
<= Less Than or Equal

Example Usage

Using the WHERE Clause, to select only the water meters installed in the city called "Sandnes", add a WHERE clause as follows:

WHERE City = 'Sandnes'

Note that, in the above example, you have used single quotes around the conditional values. SQL uses single quotes around text values. Numeric values should not be enclosed in quotes.

For text values

Correct - WHERE City = 'Sandnes'

Incorrect - WHERE City = Sandnes

For numeric values

Correct - WHERE Year > 1965

Incorrect - WHERE Year > '1965'

Insert Network Data Source Picture

The Network Data Source includes information about the InfoWater Pro tables that the GIS Exchange Cluster is utilizing.

Type: Drop-down menu of the InfoWater Pro database tables that can be utilized by the GIS Exchange Cluster (e.g., Pipe Tables).

ID: For Output Relate an ID must be selected. Use the Browse button to open the Output Relate editor.

Apply to Domain: Allows you to modify or export model elements included in the Domain.

Apply on Active Network:  Allows you to modify or export model elements included in the current Active Network.

Insert Exchange Options Picture

The Exchange Options allows you to specify the options of the GIS Cluster Exchange.

Relate Type - Specifies the relate type.

Tabular Join - Joins data based in a common ID.

Spatial Join - Joins data based on geographic location.

Update Direction - Specify the allowed data exchange direction here. (0: Bi-Directional, 1: Load Only, 2: Save Only) To load data from Geodatabase choose either 0: Bi-Direction or 1: Load Only option. To update Geodatabase choose either 0: Bi-Direction or 2: Save Only option.

Support Batch Exchange - Select this option to Include the current exchange in a Batch Exchange process. See the Batch Import and Export button on the GIS Gateway dialog box.

Create New Records - When this option is selected, new records will be created. Use the Field Mapping tab to map the corresponding fields.

Update Existing Records - This option will update matching fields as denoted in the GIS ID Mapping Field. Use the Field Mapping tab to map the corresponding fields.

Delete Not Existing Records - This will delete the elements without any existing records.

Create Unique IDs - By checking this box, InfoWater Pro will automatically assign unique ID's to the elements being exchanged.

Update Geometry Data - When this box is checked, the physical geometry of the data file being exchanged will be updated to reflect recent changes.

Reformat ESRI ID (GUID) - When the box is checked, the ESRI ID used for importing will be reformatted in order to import into InfoWater Pro.

Insert Tabular Join Picture

A tabular join merely exchanges data fields between one GIS data source and another.  While using the InfoWater Pro GIS Gateway dialog box you may update your InfoWater Pro data fields from an external geodatabase or alternatively update the external geodatabase with InfoWater Pro data.

GIS ID Mapping Field - Use the GIS ID Mapping field to denote which field in the GIS layer will be matched with the respective ID field in the selected InfoWater Pro data table. 

Once the tabular join options have been specified, proceed to the Field Mapping below tab to map the desired fields prior to exchanging the data.

Insert Spatial Join Picture

A spatial join allows you to perform a join between two data layers based on their physical relationship to one another.  This means that the data contained in one data layer can be assigned to another table by using 'smart topography' features of InfoWater Pro.

Desired Topology Relationship:  Specify the type of spatial join to be utilized during the spatial join:

Completely Contain - Used to exchange data between a point or line data layer and a polygon.  Those elements that are 'completely contained' in the polygon data set will be tagged for the spatial join. Those elements not completely contained will be excluded.

Intersect - When two data layers are intersected, those elements that are contained within and/or cross the intersected layer are tagged for the spatial join. Those elements that do not have a physical intersection are excluded.

Within Distance of - Those elements that are within the user specified distance will be tagged for a spatial join. This option is specified to assign contour elevation data to a point element such as a junction elevation.  In other words, any elements of the selected layer that fall within the tolerance level specified will be tagged for a spatial join.

Once the spatial join options have been specified, proceed to the Field Mapping tab to map the desired fields prior to exchanging the data.

Insert Field Mapping Picture

The Field Mapping tab allows you to map corresponding fields to one another prior to performing the GIS Exchange. Merely select fields on the left-hand side to be mapped to InfoWater Pro fields on the right-hand side. Once the field mapping has been completed, click OK to finish the GIS Exchange.

GIS Data Fields - Lists the fields found in the GIS data set that can be linked to the InfoWater Pro data fields. Use the arrow buttons to map a GIS field to an InfoWater Pro field.

InfoWater/ GIS Data Field mapping - The InfoWater Pro fields that are available to be mapped during a GIS Exchange. By using the arrow buttons, select the desired GIS fields to map to the InfoWater Pro fields.

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