
Learning Tools

Basic skills interactive tutorial

A new basic skills interactive tutorial steps you through the commands and workflows for creating 3D objects in Inventor.

Create interactive tutorials

You can create your own interactive tutorials for internal use or to share with others.

Download the instructions and starter files for 64-bit systems here:

Download the instructions and starter files for 32-bit systems here:

Location for interactive tutorials no longer restricted

The interactive tutorials were previously installed in the Program Files area, which is a restricted access location. The new install location is in a public area. With no administrator rights required, anyone can add new interactive tutorials.

The new location is: <drive>:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2014\Interactive Tutorial\en-US\

Interactive tutorial visual enhancements

The new size, shape, and color of the ribbon command pointer, and the video play button provide greater visibility.

Learning map helps you build and track skills

Like a geographical map, the learning map guides you along the pathways you need to efficiently learn Autodesk Inventor. It tracks the topics, videos, tutorials, and other resources you visit, and helps you chart your next steps forward. As you navigate through the map, you quickly acquire the skills you need to use Autodesk Inventor.

Access the Learning map from the Help menu: Learning Tools Getting Started, to start exploring and learning.

Note that you can browse the learning map and read all the content you want. To Like a page or Mark As Read, you must sign in with your Autodesk ID and password. If you do not have an Autodesk account, click Need an Autodesk ID and follow the instructions.

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