Fast Drawing Creation
A new Create Drawing View command merges several steps to one, so you can quickly create drawing views from a model file. In the model file, arrange the model as desired. Then right-click the root component in the browser, and click Create Drawing View.
The following model properties are automatically propagated from the model to the drawing:
- All active representations (design view, position, and level of detail representation)
- Current camera including Orthogonal/Perspective setting
- Active iPart/iAssembly member
Centralized External Sketch Symbol Library Features
You can now easily access and share your collection of sketch symbols through a new external Sketch Symbol Library. This library is an Inventor drawing file that, by default, is located in a subfolder of the Design Data location of your project.
Sketch Symbols dialog box
Search and filter function
You can now search and filter your libraries with more accurate results when inserting sketch symbols from a Symbol Library.
Preview sketch symbol
You can now see a preview of your selected sketch symbol before placing it.
Enhancement to browser expansion state when placing sketch symbols
The library's browser expansion is now remembered when you select a symbol from the specified library and select OK . It will remain expanded in the last viewed position, based on the state it was left in before closing the dialog box. This will be remembered throughout your session.
For example, when you select OK, the next time you insert a symbol from the library, the last sketch symbol that was inserted, will be selected automatically from within the last library accessed.
Both IDW and DWG file types are supported in your sketch symbol libraries
The ability to place IDW or DWG file formats into the sketch symbol library is now possible. A Sketch Symbol Library can be created in IDW and DWG formats allowing insertion of symbols contained within the library file from either format.
Save all to symbol libraries
To save all sketch symbols to a given library, right-click on the Sketch Symbol, Drawing Resources node in your browser and select Save All to Symbol Library.
Save to desired sketch symbol library
Save your sketch symbols to a library of your choice. Right-click on a symbol in the graphics from beneath a sheet or beneath the Sketch Symbols node under Drawing Resources to display the Save to Symbol Library dialog box. Here, you can choose which library to save your sketch symbols to. To create a library, select the Create a new library icon. To create a folder within a library, select the Create a new folder icon.
Retain your library's folder structure when saving your sketch symbols to a library. To accomplish this, click the Retain Resource Folder Structure check box.
New Sketch Symbol Library folder entry available in Application Options dialog box
A new configuration entry is available in the Application Options dialog box under the file tab called Sketch Symbol Library folder. Here, you can specify a folder outside of the Design Data structure to store your sketch symbol library templates. Select the Browse icon to locate a file or Make New Folder to create a location to store your libraries.
Initial View Scale Property in Title Block or Text
The Initial View Scale property scale of the first drawing review placed on the sheet is added in the Sheet Properties group within the Format Text dialog box. You can insert the Initial View Scale property to title blocks in your drawing templates or to Text objects in your drawing.
Work Features Can Now Be Projected Into a View Sketch
You can now create a view sketch on a model with included work features and select those work features with the Project Geometry command. This capability in a drawing view sketch allows you to reference, constrain, or annotate other sketch geometry to projected work features that were included in the view.
Hidden Line Views for Standard Fasteners
A new option is available to exclude all standard fasteners from hidden line views.
- Select Never to remove hidden lines for all standard fasteners.
- Select Obey Browser to respect the browser Hidden Lines setting for each standard fastener.
Transparent Components in Drawing Views
In the Drawing Browser, select the Transparent option in the component context menu to make a component transparent in a drawing view. Transparent components do not hide geometry of other components.
In the example below, the highlighted component is set as transparent in the drawing view.
Workflow Modified to Start Sketch
The drawing Start Sketch command is modified to work similarly as the Start 2D Sketch command in the modeling environment. When you click Start Sketch, you have to select a sheet, drawing view, or existing sketch in the browser or graphic window. The new or edited sketch is highlighted in the browser and opened for editing.
If the current drawing sheet does not include any drawing views or sketches, a sheet sketch is started automatically.