
Dimension Type Enhancements

Align Perpendicular to a Selected Edge

You can now align a dimension to a selected edge. Use the new dimension type, Rotated, to place a dimension and position it perpendicular so that it aligns to the selected edge.

  1. Select linear edge or 2 points.
  2. Right-click, and select Dimension > Rotated.
  3. Select a line to establish parallel or perpendicular direction of the dimension.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

For more information on creating dimensions, see Add dimensions in orthographic drawing views.

Parallel Diameter with a Ø symbol

A new dimension type, Parallel Diameter with a Ø symbol, is created when you select the silhouette edge of a cylindrical feature (shaft or hole).

You can use the context menu option, Dimension Type, to change the dimension type.

For more information on creating dimensions, see Add dimensions in orthographic drawing views.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

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